Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 January 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

  • CIRRUS Now that really is flu......hope you continue to improve.
  • Thank you for your concern, Diane.

    Hope everyone else is alright.

    We've had a visit from a technician about our problem TV aerial. We have cable TV to our main one, but 2 others -- one in the dining room which I can also glimpse from the kitchen. It's never really been right, and for the last three years or so has been very grumpy & wouldn't show all channels. My OH has fiddled with it many many times but refused to bring in someone to help. Today, hurray! He finally got fed up and rang for help, and they came within the hour. All sorted, but a pain in his wallet!
  • RUSTY – Your niece’s visit was probably to either Cleland Wildlife Park near Mt Lofty or the Gorge Wildlife Park at Cudlee Creek. Latter is Trio’s usual call.

    Already 30 C by 9 am, expecting 41 C in Adelaide today. OH is back from his short walk and I am hibernating.

  • AQ - my niece and family are due back on Saturday so I will ask them when I see them which park they went to. They will not like the weather here. We are awaiting Storm Jocelyn now. It is already raining and it hasn’t really got light yet!!! Yuk. Hope you are surviving in all that heat.
    Lindy - so glad you finally got your TV problem sorted.
    Cirrus - hope your recovery is progressing.
    Yesterday, the lady who was due to take the French class (about bad weather) was unable to do so as she had been unwell in the night. Fortunately the lady due to take the next class had hers ready and was able to step in. It was all about Llangollen and the things you can see and do in and around the town. It was really good. Some people added places to their “to visit” list because they had never heard of them let alone been!!! It’s less than an hour away from here too!!!
  • Morning all:

    Rusty. People tend not to be tourists in their own towns, which is too bad because we often drive by buildings/parks/sites that have fascinating histories.

    Hope all are staying well or improving, with special thoughts to Heather and OG and family. A quiet-ish day here, but it's action stations again tomorrow.
  • Very quiet on here today. Think we have got away quite lightly as the expected storm hasn't been too disruptive for us.
  • Afternoon. Phew. My roof has survived both storms. It was scary last night. My bins ended up in next door’s again!!!! It’s a nice calm day here today and I have been out for lunch with my former colleagues.
    Annette - you are right about not visiting sites near to home. People in my group at French made the same comment!
    I too keep thinking of Heather and OG.

  • At least we know where HEATHER is and she has been on the site occasionally. OG has been gone a long time with no communication and that is a bit worrying.