Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 31 December 2023


I hope 2024 is the best year possible for all of you. I wish you peace and send you love, my friends. 

  • WendyBartter said:
    I certainly hope you get the last two wishes granted Clare!

    You surely want the second as well?  High on my reasons why are PIP assessments, pitiful benefit increases and the sheer horror of what the Covid enquiry has brought to light.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Tried to get on here this morning but it was a no go. Very Happy New Year to you all.

    CLARE That is a great wish list.
  • Just found a good quote for starting the year:

    " When its all falling apart,
    When the only thing you have left is hope,
    You have all you need to go on"

    From Wild Hope by Donna Ashworth
    (British author and poet, b. 1976)
  • Thank you, dibnlib. This Site has been rather unpredictable for a while, now.

    I hope Heather is comfortable in the hospital, and that OG and EE are having a restful festive season. (We miss you!)
  • Yes Clare, am not very into politics and I do hope government gets a lot better but is there a good alternative?


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Wishing everyone a very happy New Year !
  • Lovely to see you Heather.
    We had a great family day out at Llandudno today. Dry and not too cold. Time on the beach for the youngsters to throw pebbles into the sea. A walk along the pier where we ate our picnic and a walk back to the cars. What a lovely simple family way to start the new year.
    Raining again now!!!!!!!!!!
  • Like dibnlib I could not get on here this morning. Wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year.

    I watched the fireworks on television last night at g'daughter's request. It had been another early start fetching her from the airport so was not over keen to do so, but I don't see her very often.

    Good to hear from Heather, and other news about family visits, spring cleaning (!) and new year wish lists.
    Also Diane's few days looking after furry friends. That sounds like hard work to me, but the dogs are very lucky to have such a caring person to look after them.
  • I could not get on here yesterday; first day of month syndrome is still with us.

    OH has been asking for several days when was I (!) going to take down the χmas tree. It is only small, hardly noticeable. While he was out for his walk this morn, I packed up the decorations, put box in high cupboard in laundry (may have to ask Dau next year) and returned tree in pieces in a bag to its home in garage. He has not noticed. <sigh> As usual I forgot one dec’n; a tiny silver (plastic) tree that Miss12 had placed on my TV stand. I am NOT climbing for dec’n box. The wee tree can spend the next 11  months with the 3-4 leftover χmas cards.