Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 December 2023


The day was weirdly warm here, so I sat on my enclosed porch for awhile and gave myself a haircut. The male cardinal visited his old nest at the end of my porch (there must be dead insects he's eating). Then, he helped himself to some weed seeds. I always leave the tall weeds at that end of the porch because he likes ro eat those seeds all winter. HIs bright red feathers were very Christmasy. 

This is a hard time of year for lots of folks. Also, I know many of you are facing challenges and rough days right now. My thoughts are with all of you, and I wish I could lighten your burdens. 

Hugs and love to all.

  • I remember walking into a hide full of men at Minsmere for an evening visit, I settled myself down and then mentioned quietly that the barn owl would soon appear. Tuts from the men, looking at one another and obviously thinking 'silly woman'. Thankfully the barn owl put in an appearace within 5 minutes!
  • PAT - Yes, it was indeed like that. It also reminded me of Galway, which is a lovely town (city?) where we once spent a long weekend.

    Rosy -- I've been rather amiss in that I just didn't get around to continuing with my story of my travels-- I vow to try and be more regular with my posts, although with the festivities approaching  anything  could happen!

  • RUSTY, PAT, JILL – Are those men so vulnerable that they have to “put down” any woman who dares step out of the kitchen? 

  • AQ - I was rather surprised, too, & about to remark. I might have asked them if their wives had let them out to play!!

    Edit - Sue saw a very young doctor and he prescribed antibiotics as she often gets a bad chest with these things, which is not good.

  • Jill - Well done! Hope they were impressed that you could rustle up a barn owl to order! It must have been a female, showing solidarity.

    AQ - Yes, we tried that - and also suggested their wives may have been glad to get them out of the house for a few hours ...
  • Lindy - I wish I had thought of that put down.
    Jill - so pleased the barn owl turned up for you.
    I have been out socialising again!!! Coffee and cakes with 8 of my former colleagues. Very pleasant.
    This afternoon I have had an hour tidying up in the garden as it is the last garden waste bin collection next week until March. I thought I might aswell fill it!! It has been quite a reasonable day weatherwise. The sun almost came out!!!!!!!
  • Sorry all, still MIA with too much stuff going on here, but reading and keep intending to post .....!
  • Annette - you do sound to be busy. I think everyone must be busy!!!
    I have been on a twitch this morning!!! I took myself off to a village in the hills above Colwyn Bay to look for waxwings. They don’t often come to the west of the country so it is “quite a thing” when they appear. Other birders were around and were very helpful. They had been seen of course but just before I arrived!!! I went to different locations as advised and stayed for 2 and a half hours. No luck. I decided to set off home but to drive via one of the more distant locations and there they were!!! I stopped, parked and had a look. They were flitting around a lot but I had some good views!!! Just as well really as it was a 60 mile round trip!!!
    It is windy here again and the roof panel of next door’s shed is back in my garden. Once more he is at work so I dare say it will be tomorrow before it is removed!
  • Rusty - So pleased the waxwings showed themselves to you. Sorry to hear about the roof panel in your garden - hope it is removed soon.

    I had an interesting and positive morning. I have been on the list for a quick laser treatment on my right eye - I had the same treatment on my left eye about three years ago and was warned that 'sooner or later' the right eye would need doing. I have been on the list since April and the sight in that eye has been deteriorating rapidly. About a month ago I was sent an appointment - for FEBRUARY! I rang, and after a bit of toing and froing I was offered one for today. I arrived fifteen minutes before my appointed time - and left, dropped and zapped, twenty five minutes later! The person who took me and was waiting for my call to be picked up had barely got home! The surgeon was lovely - said my left eye was now 20:20 and he had every confidence the right would soon match. As the drops are wearing off, he's right! I am soooo pleased to have had it done before Christmas - I have a great many things in the diary that will be so much easier with two fully operational eyes! When the NHS works, it's brilliant!!

    Hope everyone is coping with preparations and everything else that seems to rush along at double speed at this time of year. Another ten days and it will all be over ... :)
  • Good evening, all.  I've just posted a few photos from our visit to RSPB Saltholme last month - if you'd like to see them click on this lovely reed bunting:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.