Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 December 2023


The day was weirdly warm here, so I sat on my enclosed porch for awhile and gave myself a haircut. The male cardinal visited his old nest at the end of my porch (there must be dead insects he's eating). Then, he helped himself to some weed seeds. I always leave the tall weeds at that end of the porch because he likes ro eat those seeds all winter. HIs bright red feathers were very Christmasy. 

This is a hard time of year for lots of folks. Also, I know many of you are facing challenges and rough days right now. My thoughts are with all of you, and I wish I could lighten your burdens. 

Hugs and love to all.

  • ANNETTE Just love "The Nutcracker" and the mice and rats were spectacular on their feet.

    Thank you for asking. The pain is more discomfort now but earlier I could hardly open my mouth to speak. Funnily enough I have developed a sore throat and wonder if there is a connection.
  • Well, I survived the bowls club Christmas lunch. Actually it was better than I expected - although I hate frozen sprouts (no texture or flavour) and the turkey was very dry (pre-sliced and needed lots of cranberry sauce and gravy). But it was certainly edible - and the custard with the Christmas pudding was delicious. My family 'Christmas lunch' will be vegan, which - for me - doesn't really count. I will have my duck breast with all the trimmings probably on New Year's Day. Didn't get many things on my shopping expedition either. Glad to be home in the dry, with plenty to do.

    When I lived in London I went to the Festival Hall for the annual performance of 'Nutcracker'. Lovely. I have watched it on television, but it's not the same ...

    Limpy - Good to see you. Hope you and Clare are both well.
  • PAT – Our family’s χmas lunch has become more vegan since the next generation has taken over. “Guests” have to bring food to which I disagree. All those alternate years that it was my turn, I managed with pre-planning & common sense. Dau has traipsed around many shops to find plant-based shortbread and vegan mylk chocolate. She will also take real food that she knows the Trio will eat.

    Almost an hour drive to sit outside with the flies? Not for us. OH & I will stay home for our traditional turkey roll & roast veggies, followed by tiny pudds from bakery, followed by a siesta. The daus & families will visit us on other days – small doses are better for OH.

    OH had a GP visit yesterday to get his repeat script. How late can Doc be at 9.45 am. Only half an hour!

  • For months Miss12 has been in a growth spurt and is always hungry. Some time ago I teased her that she had hollow legs, then one day she told her mother that she had hollow arms too. Last weekend as she was stuffing herself, MissL commented that her sister “has hollow legs and arms but she does not have a hollow brain”. Quiet MissL joking!
  • Progress! 4 parcels for Trio wrapped & under the tree, one each and a shared jigsaw puzzle. Now only have to find cash for Biggies.

    I saw this today -
    Am I done with Christmas shopping?
    That would imply that I’ve started.

  • AQ: Your non-vegan alternative Xmas dinner sounds perfect. Congrats on the wrapped gifts.

    Limpy: Always good to have you pop in! Say Hi to Clare for us and have a nice Xmas yourselves.

    dibnlib: Wouldn't be surprised if your outing to the dentist resulted in a sore throat. Hope it clears up quickly.

    Hope everyone is doing well - and special thoughts to Lynette and Heather. :-)
  • ANNETTE Much better today, thank you.
  • Goodness, I seem to have been absent again. I must get back into the habit of writing in the mornings.

    Thank you, Limpy and Lynette, for your good wishes for Christmas. It does put me into a panic, though, as it makes me feel as if its The Big Day tomorrow!!

    AQ - How satisfying to get your presents all bought & wrapped - well, at least the important ones! I find it frustrating when I turn up for appointments in good time, but then have to wait, especially in the mornings.

    Pat, glad you 'survived' your lunch- some dinners are like that, whrere the meat is pre cooked and kept warm. Ugh.
  • Yesterday we went to nearby town where they have more large shops than ours. I managed to buy silly mugs for the children, with Disney pictures on them. Also got some supplies in Sainsburys for next week. My OH came with me and we stopped to buy cheap(er) fuel - he told me later that he had very nearly put petrol in the car which is a diesel, so that would have been disastrous!! Phew! I think they make the nozzle a different shape nowadays so that you can realise you're doing the wrong thing.

    Had a long talk to my sis in law Sue on the phone this morning - she is suffering badly with a heavy cold similar to the one we both had recently. Trouble is, its now going on her chest. She is seeing her doctor this afternoon (wearing a mask). She was planning to cook a dinner this weekend for us and other relatives, but now its had to be cancelled.

  • My travelogue:

    After a very long and tiring morning in Belfast, I had to lay down for the afternoon! As we got ready for dinner, the ship sailed and we were on to our next destination.

    We awoke at sea, but knew that we'd been moving very slowly south. I had been to the ship's library the night before, to look up our destination. (No WiFi seemed odd when we needed information). We went up to the very top lounge, which has panoramic windows, so that we could get a good view as we came into port at Cobh. This is the port used for the famous city of Cork, which is inland.