Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 November 2023


I hope everyone has a good week.

The new moon (the dark moon) is Monday, the 13th.

I don't have any interesting news. We had a record-breaking very warm day early in the week. I stood outdoors, breathed deeply, looked over my patch, and said a final good-bye to summer. Now it's getting colder and all I want to do is eat and sleep!

Take care of yourselves!

  • OG - so sorry J didn’t get the jobs he was interviewed for. It must be discouraging. Glad the after effects of the jabs didn’t last too long and that you were able to get to the Remembrance service. Do you mind me asking where your Wee Desk calendar came from? I am having difficulty getting one this year (one month to view on a double page)
    Limpy - good to see you.
    For me it has been French again today. I spent the morning putting the finishing touches to the lesson I am giving in the New Year and printing all the copies out. The lesson this afternoon was really interesting. The chap had found an article on the 3 main French dictionary producers and how they decide which words have gone obsolete and which new words to include. It was fascinating. Then we were given a list of the words which are going to be included in the 2024 versions and had to try to work out what they meant. I am afraid my group had to refer to “Mr Google” for several of the words.
    It has been very windy here today. The bins all blew over. I ended up putting them on their sides and there they remain!!!
  • Rusty - Your French group sounds fascinating. I would really enjoy that in English, but don't think I could cope in French! Mr Google is very helpful - I didn't know he worked in French as well. How very useful to know.

    We are threatened with 'squally thundery showers' tomorrow, and certainly the wind is getting up. We have had so much rain lately so I fear that my outings to Hever Castle on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (with different friends at the end of their 'bring a friend for free' annual offer to members) may be curtailed. Last year two of the same friends came with me; the first day we were cut off by flood water running right across the path from the lake ... the second day we were able to get a bit further but were turned back by water coming over a bridge to about a foot deep. People in wellies in front of us got through, but we only had walking boots, so turned back. Hoping we can get right round the lake this year ... but it may not happen.

    OG - Sorry to hear J didn't get any of the jobs he was interviewed for. I do hope something turns up for him soon.

    We had a very good 'early' Remembrance service yesterday. Afterwards some people went down to the War Memorial in town for the parade of uniformed organisations and the two minutes' silence - I came home and watched the Cenotaph service.
  • Hi, all. I'll try to come back here tomorrow and do some proper replies, but I thought I'd stop in with a question for ANNETTE.

    ANNETTE: Will the massive fire that destroyed the Interstate10 Freeway in Los Angeles hamper travel by you and your family (to and from Arizona)? Good thing your granddaughter will be moving back to California. I just saw that the governor announced the fire was arson (deliberately set)! Horrific for the city. www.cnn.com/.../index.html

    LIMPY: Nice to see you!!!
  • Annette: Sorry if that was a dumb question. I've never been to Los Angeles. I've only been to San Francisco on a business trip eons ago. The news is talking like the bridge fire is catastrophic for the city.
  • Diane: That fire has shut down the I-10 right in the middle of downtown LA. It's a huge mess, That stretch typically carries about 300,000 cars a day. Apparently it started in a storage facility under the highway that was already being investigated for breach of contract by subleasing the area and not paying the rent (or something like that). There were early rumors that it may have started in a homeless encampment, but apparently not. There are some workarounds for commuters that shouldn't affect any trips we might take because we avoid downtown in favor of the 215 that runs along the foothills. Thanks for asking! :-)

  • LIMPY – good to have you pop in on this thread – do call by more often. Take care!

    RUSTY – I will risk being slung out for advertising – I get my annual calendar from the Wee Calendar Company online – www.weecalendarcompany.co.uk – they are also sold in tourist shops around Scotland. It may not even be what you are looking for: very small, dates only. No room for notes etc – but lots of scenic photos, from Shetland down to N Yorkshire!

    PAT – I hope you get at least one of your days at Hever Castle!

    DIANE/ANNETTE – looks like a massively disruptive fire on the I-10 in LA. ANNETTE: I guess diversions will increase traffic on your usual route with family.

    A fairly calm day for us here – with a visit from an agency to talk about Carer Respite for EE – he says he doesn’t want to go out without me while I am still able to go out with him, and it looks like it is only a “baby-sitting service” (no care or help) but we thought we should accept a visit and hear more about it since social care will pay if we accept! I helped EE catch up with some of his filing (and flinging!) last evening – junk from up to two years past!
  • OG - I think you will be OK and not slung out! I had a look at those calendars and they are very nice. However, I do need space to write events in so have eventually found a date book as it is called online and have sent for it. I used to buy them at Clinton's Cards but they no longer exist sadly. Re the carer respite. My friend used it as she was a carer for her partner. She could go to the theatre or come out for lunch with us and have peace of mind knowing she wouldn’t get a panic phone call in the middle. She was only out for a few hours at a time. At a carers meeting she had been told that it was important for carers to be looked after too.
    Pat - I hope you had a good day at Hever Castle.
    I have been out birdwatching at high tide at Point of Ayr on the Welsh side of the Dee estuary . A great time to go as the birds are close to the hide. I especially liked the pale bellied Brent geese and the wonderfully smart pintail ducks. It just rained as we were walking back so we were lucky.
    Annette - I am now going to look up about the fire.
  • OG I-10 fire could possibly have truckers driving through LA using "our" preferred route, but more likely they'd take the I-40. Good to sign up for respite care and see what might be available further down the road if and when...
  • Out of curiosity, I just looked up Lindy’s ship. It looks as if they will be docking in Liverpool in the morning, I do hope they have had a good time.
  • A miserable week so far. I hurt my back digging nasty weed-bulbs. Each bulb produces about 20 babies the size of a grain of rice and I want to remove bulbs before they have time to reproduce. Then I spent Monday with a tummy bug which I could only have caught at church as I have not been out anywhere else.  So much for thinking I was safe (from the coughing) now I am fully jabbed. I did a very slow food shop this morn and captured some χmas cards and cute soft toys that I know the Trio love. I must ask Dau for real suggestions.