Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 November 2023


I hope everyone is safe and secure from the flooding and other perils of the big storm. My thoughts are with you all. Also, I'm sending healing to Heather.

I heard a wild turkey in the neighbors' side of the woods this week. I didn't see the bird, but the gobble call was unmistakable. I didn't look for it, because it was probably seeking safe haven from the hunters (Thanksgiving is coming here). I left it in peace.

I hope everyone has a good week (with sunshine!).

  • Diane thank you for starting the week. I too hope the turkey stays free.

    SANDRA Thank you for your help.

    HEATHER I hadn't realised you had been outside when you fell. What a nightmare for you.
  • Diane thank you for starting the week. I too hope the turkey stays free.

    SANDRA Thank you for your help.

    HEATHER I hadn't realised you had been outside when you fell. What a nightmare for you.
  • Harelady: My Mom was born in Cork in 1904; one of 12! She 'ran away' to work in England in her late teens - I think it was domestic work, which was a pretty common story. I just wish she was around now so I could get more details of her early years in England. My sister tried to trace that side of the family tree but couldn't find much and when she and I were there about 12 years ago we went to the local Catholic church and other places to see if we could find out more - no luck there either - we were told some records burned in a fire a long time back.....

    Hallo Sandra! Thanks for the info on the Borealis. Lindybird was really looking forward to the Azores; she'd wanted to see the twin lakes. Her last cruise wasn't easy (rough weather). I wonder if this will make her rethink future cruises....

    We put our clocks back last night. I made a preemptive move and changed everything before I went to bed. Today I'm clearing of piles of paperwork on my desk and making a list of things to do this week....

    Take care everyone.
  • DIANE – Thank you for starting our new week. Sorry I didn’t reply when you asked how I was. I am well but busy. OH keeps “losing “ things as he forgets where something is and then what he wanted it for. I am learning to look in the most obvious place first. I need more patience to cope with interruptions to whatever I was doing.

    Busy today taking OH to Podiatrist and this arvo we both had our covid jabs. Form filling x 2, then chemist had to enter all on computer and finally, after a long wait, the sting. Such excitement 2 outings!!!

  • AQ - thinking about you. It can't be easy. Sending hugs ...
  • Morning all!

    Annette - see this link.


    I went back to Cork in 2001 with my elder brother and sister to see where Dad was born - we found the street but their house had been replaced. It was called a 1 1/2 story with a low attic room.

    He was one of 9! We had a great time meeting up with cousins and friends of my Mum and Dad.

  • HEATHER – Thank you,

    ANNETTE – Can you find your mother  on 1911 Irish census? I’ve had success with this site


  • DIANE and All – thanks for yesterday’s posts – and today.

    RUSTY – thanks for updates on LINDA’s cruise – are you sure you are following the correct one? It all seems a real muddle! I seem to remember this was to be their last cruise, because her OH doesn’t really like cruises! I would think this will be the cruise to end all cruises now!

    Got busy at weekend! A wet Saturday, so we continued reorganising dining room and kitchen! Emptied the now-redundant sideboard so will phone charity to collect for recycling – plus a floor lamp. Too long in a wrong chair for my leg – woke myself and E_E and J Sunday morning screaming in agony. Very painful all day but recovering in the evening. Hurt again when I tried to sleep last night but a lot better today! Managed church yesterday – I was doing the reading. Lots of names of tribes (from Joshua crossing the Jordan). Long service and well-attended. We were getting ready to leave soon as possible but the elders were called together for a short meeting and lots of people decided to talk to me, so lunch got late and no more work in the kitchen that day. OH shared an idea this morning so we now have a sensible home for all the pickles and chutneys spares. Cleaners will be here this afternoon so no time for more from me now!
  • OG - you sound to have been very busy. So sorry you were in such pain with your leg. Glad you managed to get to church and do the reading.

    I have taken a friend to Ness Botanic Gardens today as a treat for her birthday. Coffee and cake on arrival, entrance to garden then lunch after our walk. I was so pleased that there was still some colour about.

  • More photos from Ness.

    This is a ginko biloba tree I believe