Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 October 2023


I hope everyone has a great week!

  • Busy, busy week! Had social worker here Tuesday for reassessment and loads of advice – not all practical in our situation! Had our day (and lunch) out yesterday. Magazine and HW today. Dau#1 and S-I L coming tomorrow – he offered to come and power wash the paving around house and garden.

    RUSTY – sensible words for Heather – and others – being anxious about anxiety and trying to work on it … well, it makes one anxious!
  • OG - you have had a busy week. I do hope the social worker was able to suggest something helpful in amongst things which weren’t.

    Lindy - we need good news at the moment don’t we? I hope the pregnancy goes well.

    I have been out with the lady birders today in a local woodland. It turned out to be a fungus foray too which was fun. Birdwise we saw lots of goldcrests. Also a big flock of fieldfare flew over. Frustratingly we could hear the crossbills but couldn’t see them. We had a great lunch in town afterwards.

    This is the view from the top of the forest followed by a few fungus!

  • Hello - quiet on here. Hope that Heather is feeling all the hugs sent.

    I went to the Post Office to send a birthday gift in a parcel to my D. In Law. I was asked the value of it, and advised to have it "signed for on delivery" Afterwards, I thought that might make it more likely to be stolen, as they would then know it was an item of value! But I paid up, as I'm worried about sending it. Ho hum.

    Had to search the town for Advent Calendars as we're seeing 3 of the grandchildren on Saturday. Last year I left it too late and there were none left. But its a little early so I had to pounce on the only ones I could find. We might not see the children again until well into December so I wanted to give them now.
  • Rusty, you came on whilst I was here. Lovely pictures of your walk.
  • RUSTY - I used to love walking among the damp forest fungus - such variety and the best time of the year.

    LINDA - glad you found suitable Advent Calendars! Nice that you can see 3 of the grandchildren before you cruise away!
  • OG - I was just thinking about my walk and reflecting on how therapeutic it was. The woods were indeed damp and raindrops were glistening on the end of leaves and berries. The mosses and lichens were clearly loving the conditions and their different colours and textures were wonderful to see. The trees were just starting to change colour very subtly. Every now and then the sun would filter through them and cast a lovely light. The birds were singing particularly in the clearings, and watching mixed flocks of tits flitting around was mesmerising. It was so calming and relaxing. Sharing that feeling in good company was also very nice.
  • Rusty - What a beautiful description of your walk - thank you so much. I've had a very stressful day trying to get all sorts of things circulated to all sorts of people (mostly successfully accomplished, thank goodness!) and your words were like soothing balm.
  • That is a lovely description of your walk Rusty. I lived in Chester for eleven years, so can visualise some of the area.
    I am a country girl at heart, but now live in the metropolis. It has its advantages, but I would love to be on one of your expeditions. We do have parks nearby but it is not the same