Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 October 2023


I hope everyone has a great week!

  • AQ thank you for that lovely story.
  • Great, AQ! Nice to have a happy ending.

    Rusty, I'm not surprised that it didn't matter about your missed appointment!

    I've just received a book I'd sent for as a gift for someone for Christmas. It's full of funny quotes, so I'll try to put some of the better (and printable) ones on here.

    First off, it's former US President Gerald Ford --

    "I watch a lot of baseball on the radio!"
  • Another dry day with some sunshine – temp about normal for October. Window cleaner came today as well as the cleaners being back to normal. Second week of October Holidays here and apparently town is quite busy with families. J has heard nothing about a job yet.

    AQ – a lovely heart-warming read about the wee puggle!

    Very quiet on the thread today! Hope all are finding pleasant things to do – magazine week for me.
  • Lindy - Your quote from Gerald Ford reminded me of something my mother used to say. 'I really enjoy radio plays - the pictures are so much better than television!' I say much the same thing these days about the news.
  • LOL, Pat

    We were surprised to hear today that the lady who I mentioned had died recently, has been buried without even a funeral. We did notice that there had not been a notice of her loss in the local paper, and of course its usually announced then, when the funeral is to be held. She was slightly eccentric -- in spite of our friendliness, she would not speak to us unless practically forced to. She always looked down at the ground if she was in the garden when we passed by!!
  • Osprey fans probably already watching this nest in SA with its new chick.

    Another animal repair here.

    Maybe back later.

  • AQ - aren’t some people amazing with the lengths they will go to to help animals? Another uplifting story thank you.
    It is cool and dull here but not actually raining (yet!!!) so I am going out with the Flora and Fauna group to Burton Marsh on the Wirral. Last time I went I saw 2 little owls. I am hoping to be able to show them to this group. Lunch in a cafe today instead of a picnic!
    Did people in the UK see Planet Earth 3? What amazing photography and behaviours I never knew existed. Some sad warnings about climate change too though.
  • Lindybird said:
    We were surprised to hear today that the lady who I mentioned had died recently, has been buried without even a funeral.

    That might have been her choice.  I'm seriously considering the same, as the cost of a traditional funeral is ridiculous.

    Lindybird said:
    She was slightly eccentric -- in spite of our friendliness, she would not speak to us unless practically forced to. She always looked down at the ground if she was in the garden when we passed by!!

    Eccentric isn't the word I'd have used.  Some people just aren't social.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Lindybird said:
    I've just received a book I'd sent for as a gift for someone for Christmas. It's full of funny quotes, so I'll try to put some of the better (and printable) ones on here.

    One I remember from years ago is 'if you go ahead and commit suicide I'll never speak to you again!'.  I've no idea who came out with that but apparently it had the desired effect of talking someone out of ending their life.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning. Stopped for a cuppa, then found that my mobile phone has decided it's not receiving any Wi-Fi signal. So I'm writing on my tablet whilst I decide how to get things to go right - and yes, I've already turned it off and on again!

    The deceased lady was eccentric in other ways, but certainly very private. We respected her wishes and never bothered her, but it was hard driving past her on my way into the town when she was walking because she couldn't drive. Shrug. Her relative said that it was her own wish to be buried without fuss - apparently even her daughters did not attend.

    Clare - That reminds me of the old saying "If you climb on that wall and then fall off, don't come crying to me!"