Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 October 2023


I hope everyone has a wonderful week and a great October!

We've had an interesting phenomenon here in the Great Lakes/Midwest, including Indiana. Flamingos have been showing up on Lake Michigan and the Ohio River. Their presence here is unprecedented. They are tropical birds native to Central/South America, although some do appear in Florida.

Some scientists have speculated that the birds were blown here by Hurricane Idalia. Personally, I think that sounds odd because the hurricane traveled up the east coast of the US. The winds didn't impact the Midwest. (But nobody asked my opinion lol.) I hope the birds leave soon, because they won't survive our winter.

Hugs to all.



  • Lupins having a fourth flowering - they must have enjoyed the weather!

  • Geums, which I only planted last year, but which I have come to love.

  • A bit battered, but the very last poppy of the year. Such a joy. (It's resting on a lupin which is why the leaves look wrong).

  • Like Annette, I do hope they know their compass points and make it safe  to where food is available. I just can't see them eating brown trout       Cold sweat

    yes, I agree with you Diane-I think it sounds very odd that Hurricane Idalia should blow the Flamingos to Lake Michigan . Something is very fishy here and it  isn't shrimp or algae which would be useful to Flamingos. Ah well- please let us know when they continue on their migration please      Hugging

  • Good morning, all  It's a mild start to the day here, but quite misty - I'm glad we weren't planning to go birding today.  Went to our local cinema last night (much better than the big one in Ipswich) and saw The Creator - very enjoyable, and highly pertinent to the growing thing for artificial intelligence.  It's fair to say that mankind doesn't look too good in it, though the main (human) character is very worthwhile.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Some great pics, thank you. I am inundated with pics at the moment as my 2 nieces (my brothers daughters) are in the US at Walt Disney World. They are reliving a holiday of 10 years ago when they were there with their Mum. Sadly Mabel died 2 years ago tomorrow at the age of 63.
  • How sad, Dibnlib.

    Its sort of grey here- the sun tried to peek through the clouds this morning but failed. My OH has finished wiping down the tiling in the kitchen, so it's one thing off the 'to do' list. I cleaned anything which looked dusty or grimy before it was put back. He began trying to help by returning things to their places but it was obvious that he had no idea, even though some had been in the same place for 20 years. I really get illustrations of how different men's brains are!!

    I see that now arguments are raging about what should be done to replace the chopped down sycamore tree. It is sad, as of course the reason everyone was so upset is that its irreplaceable.

  • Good evening – better late than never! We had a “busy” weekend and an unpleasant day today. I have calmed down somewhat now. Can’t remember much from Saturday – I think it was difficult because I was preparing the prayers for Sunday but every time I sat down I was interrupted. Anyway, I was satisfied with what I finally produced – haven’t done it for years but they just woke up to the fact I can use one of the lapel mics from my wheelchair. It was Harvest, and a good service.

    Today we only had one of our cleaners – they work harder on their own without each other to talk to. Next week we have neither, but the week after we may get the other one on her own if she decides to phone and offer – today’s is off to Cyprus next week for her daughter’s wedding.

    Weather was lovely yesterday, but not so good today. Door guys have done us a favour coming this Wednesday so we have to go out Thursday instead, which will be a much nicer day.

    DIANE – thanks for another new week – and month. Will you be able to get to see the Flamingos? I do hope they will leave safely and stay alive through the winter.

    ROSY – sorry you are still having trouble accessing the site.

    ANNETTE – so good that your Daughter’s horse is doing so well helping people at the Therapeutic Center!

    LINDA – some more lovely garden pics – thanks. It is amazing what plants are blooming over again – but I hope they will know where to start next year! Glad the tiling job got finished – despite there being golf to watch!

    We are still catching up with Strictly recorded on Saturday – and I don’t like University Challenge having to be moved out of the way! But it will improve as we get rid of the worst dancers!
  • OG - I am pleased to hear that you were able to do the prayers for church. It’s a shame you had a bad day today. The situation with the cleaners sounds rather complicated.
    Clare - I hadn’t heard of that film. Glad you enjoyed it.
    Lindy - you have got some nice colour in your garden still. Thanks for the photos.
    I went to French today. I found it very difficult and was mentally exhausted when I got home. It wasn’t so much the French language which was the problem, it was the chosen topic. The lady had sent us all about 12 photos of paintings which we ended up discussing. The trouble is, art is not my “thing” and I wouldn’t have been able to discuss them in English let alone French. They were not to my taste at all. Portraits of Louis 16th and Napoleon which contained (apparently) lots of symbolism. Way over my head!!! Give me the impressionists every time!!! I confessed to the lady I gave a lift home to that they were the sort of paintings I would walk straight past in an art gallery on my way to the impressionists or Constable etc. Am I rather uncouth???????