Continuing THOMO's LG feeder, and including other cams as per title.

First, some LG feeder snaps & vids from the past couple of days.

Female & male GSWs, joined up by trickery - you may notice that the peanut tube is misshapen Stuck out tongue winking eye

Nasty Great Coal Tit:

No trickery for the 2 Blue Tits:

Now for the torture - I just cannot figure out Greenfinch or female Chaffinch:

This was in flight so has had to be sharpened a lot:

Little vid:

No mistaking the evening Crestie!

  • Ok little Pigeon I was here first 

    Mr magpie there's Lots of seed now said the Robin

    I see you have lot's of seed now                                     

    Night Robin

  • trevor l said:


    While I was looking for that feeder cam (cos it's not on RSPB's channel with the others) I came across one I'd forgotten about - in Poland.  Rolling back I saw that it had the most fantastic night cam - not IR - have they lit the area somehow without changing the behaviour of the animals?  Or is the EU paying them so much money that they can afford the hardware of the future? Stuck out tongue winking eye 

    Amazing pigs, too - they can find loads to eat on an empty place!

  • That's fantastic quality lighting
    They would make a superb roast Ha Ha
    Not if you are a vegie like the Daughter
  • I reckon they could be using something like these infrared floodlights Scylla


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • It's in true couloir not IR black and white

  • WendyBartter said:
    I reckon they could be using something like these infrared floidlights

    Thank you for taking the trouble, WENDY, and I agree - but I thought we shouldn't be lighting up the night, for the sake of nocturnal creatures who need it to be dark... so I was hoping they are using a new magic IR that gives night vision but retains colour.

    Back to business Upside down

    As y'all may have clocked, I've not been covering Glaslyn for some time - yesterday I started downloading both cams again, and overnight Heather checked the owl boxes Ino-one home) and today showed us a new bird feeder where the old ones were - lovely! - but I don't think it will ever come close enough for good views online, tho a Robin jumped out at me without me really looking:

    I didn't see any swans yesterday but today these sailed slowly down the river - with 2 cygnets(?) trailing after them.  I meant to FF it but got distracted, sorry, so it's slow and boring, but I'm thinking there's a 1% possibility that our resident couple could have had babies Astonished or are the trailers not cygnets at all, but a couple o' geese?

    Some of the birds over Glaslyn this past couple of days - not recognisable, unless CLARE can ID some gulls, if they're gulls at all!


    They are so conscientious, clearing up every day - but this morning there was extra to do, following the coyotes' destructive nightwork:

    Lots more to do but ned a break.

  • And thanks also to TREVOR, whose post wasn't there when I opened up RF for my last post.

    26 September


    The first 6-hour session was very rewarding Blush

    The left-hand feeder - I'm sure there must be a reason beyond my intelligence and experience - why anyone would use a feeder that will only accommodate one bird at a time, especially when there's always a queue for it?

    Who knew (not me) that Devon is full of Goldfinches?

    An LBJ punctuates the GFs:

    A Sparrowhawk(?) punctuates them all!  But only poses on the very left and very right sides Persevere

    Second 6-hour session.

    Very bright Robin brought to my attention that there are actually TWO feeding perches on the left-hand feeder:

    Evening - I thought I'd show you the wanderings of a couple of snails, but they were so very slow that I'd've had to save a huge long clip to FF it - so here's just a sample @ 24x speed:

    27 September

    A wet morning.

    Hoping this was a Raven, anyway it was a messy eater:

    Right on the edge it stayed:

    A pheasant and a couple of Magpies shared the feeder without conflict - until the cheeky punchline:

    Forest feeder, Poland

    The first pig (wild boar?) only went for the seeds - it was 2 of them later who ate the fruit but they masked our view:

    I had a mysterious accident, due to tremor, with my picture handler and it was putting a black rectangle around everything - wasted hours and tired myself out getting rid of it but I still don't know how.

  • scylla said:

    Hoping this was a Raven, anyway it was a messy eater:

    Just a nice messy eating Crow

    Unusual one for feeder Nuthatch

    GOLDFINCH juvenile's on tray only


    we had to include a GSW

    Chaffinch and Blue Tit

    Robin and Blue Tit


  • You didn't tell me what my LBJ was, TREVOR!

    trevor l said:
    Unusual one for feeder Nuthatch

    Just to show there's no hard feelings, here it is after the treatment Grinning

    Have a nice day!