Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 17 September 2023


I hope everyone has a wonderful week.

For various reasons, I've had a bad summer. So. I concluded today that I need to improve my quality of life. I went outdoors and sat down on my front step to think. There on the sidewalk in front of me was a big, astonishingly beautiful feather. It appeared to be about 11 inches long. The shaft was a brilliant silver color. The bottom was a silver gray with white splotches, and the upper section was a mottled deep brown and midnight black. The edges were outlined in black and silver. 

I'm not good at identifying feathers, and I didn't recognize the bird species. I don't think it was a hawk feather. It wasn't a bald eagle, a goose, a duck, a vulture, or a wild turkey. It could have been an owl, but I didn't recognize it. 

As Annette said earlier, this is the time of peak migration here in the Midwest. Millions of birds are in the sky during the 3 hours after sunset. So, I reckon a bird from up north decided to visit me. I felt uplifted.

Take care, all.

  • Good morning, all. Limpy and I have just had our flu and Covid jabs, which is a relief - one of our closest neighbours has Covid and cases are coming up here.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • RUSTY Very Happy Birthday to you.

    OG That is completely dreadful. No thought for others. Sorry for all of you.
  • Morning all: I assume Rusty is in the midst of her bday celebration as I type. I'm sure it was wonderful and lots of fun.

    OG: Seems like utter and complete chaos in whatever system poor J is caught up in. Is there anyone who could be an advocate for him (apart from you and EE)? Someone in the mental health/general benefits field? Surely this can't be the only example of really poor management/communication? I can't imagine what kind of roller coaster ride you are all on with all this chopping and changing.

    On a similar note, I called our local humane society yesterday; tried all the options but only got recordings. Drove by there while out on errands; front door was locked. (You used to be able to just walk in.) Anyway, one staff person was inside talking to a couple who, as it turned out, had recently adopted a cat. A UPS delivery guy arrived and we both stood outside wondering why the employee didn't just open the door. He sighed and said it was like this everywhere since Covid. (Did Covid kill only the competent people? Seems like it.) Finally, the door opened, I asked my very simple question and at that point three other employees appeared in the office and I had to wonder why one of them couldn't be available to answer the phone?

    Daughter's dog is going home today. Two days at our house and I'm obviously not active enough to keep her entertained - not interested in going for walks before the crack of dawn...

    Diane: Please don't fret, but I have been concerned by seeing you only once a week (for which we're all grateful). Sincerely hope the new season with its lovely colors and cooler nights will help your mood. Hugs from here.

    And hallo to ALL, especially folks who are typically more active on other threads. :-)

  • I am so, so very sorry to hear that J has, once again, been failed by the system that should be helping him.
    I wish, with all my heart, that he will find a place that is permanent and fulfilling!
  • Thank you all for the birthday wishes. I have had a lovely day but am shattered now!! I spent all morning preparing the food. Everyone arrived. The 2 boys (nearly 5 and nearly 8) were noisy at first because they were excited. They were playing with some transformer type toys. The little girl ( 5 in 3 weeks) loves her cousins and they all play so well together. I served various drinks and everyone attacked the buffet!!! Blimey!!! Nearly everything went!!! Huge pizza, quiche, mountains of sandwiches, little cocktail sausages which the kids love, Baby Bel cheeses, the smoked salmon. salad!! The fruit is virtually all gone. The cakes were popular and my sister bought me a birthday cake. They all sang happy birthday and I had to blow out the candles (just 3) then they had to be re lit so that the kids could blow them out! I took them in the garden then and they “helped” me feed the birds!!! We then had more teas and coffees and I opened the chocolates one of my nieces had bought me! Whilst I was in the garden my sister had done quite a bit of the washing up. I will be eating the remaining leftovers for tea shortly!!!
    I have had lots of Whatsapps from various friends and some lovely cards and presents too. I am very lucky.
    After all that I have realised that I forgot to take any photos!!!
  • A very quick note before the new week tomorrow – can it really be Sunday again tomorrow?

    ANNETTE – the quiz was in the hall of one of the other churches in town – actually, the one J goes to. A team from our URC won and I managed to squeeze congrats into the magazine! Sorry Dau’s bad leg was painful after the swim so you had to have Pearl to stay – good that she is going home now!

    AQ – glad to read that you are stocking the garden for spring produce! Good that OH was motivated to come with you, too.

    LINDA –sorry the vaccinations were painful – I hope your arms were better last night. Good luck with blood tests.

    RUSTY – yes, J is “casual” – to be called in if needed. Don’t know who he can go to for advice on the new head’s ruling – it just doesn’t make sense as it is not a vacancy to be filled because he is covering for maternity leave so the person who is not there will be back! So glad your party went so well – enjoy your leftovers for tea! Only 3 candles? Hmm – I wish! Sorry about forgotten photos!

    DIANE – you are not a failure, and we all appreciate you starting each week for us. I hope you are having a quiet day and can think of yourself and your needs and hopes.

    EE went to do the mag printing early afternoon, then I had my shower. Now he is making a mascarpone and pasta bake for dinner with salad– he’s had a very busy day again.
  • Hello everyone. I am still around, but am finding this site quite difficult. I keep getting signed out, but until a few months ago each thread would say 'latest' and give time in hours or minutes. Now most of the time it shows "latest ...", and returns me to the original post. Then I lose the will, as it can take some time to get to the current page. I must be doing something wrong somewhere. Does anyone have a clue, or are we all the same?
    I try to keep up with the news, but usually at the end of the day when a time shows.

    Thanks to all for sharing daily life events, good and not so good.

    Belated Happy Birthday to Rusty. Glad the party went well.

    Sorry about the way J has been treated OG, Not good.

    I always like to read Diane's introduction to the new week. Thank you Diane for making the effort to keep us all going when things are so difficult for you right now.
  • Yes, Rosy, the Site has been driving me crazy too, lately, so it's not just you!! I've had to sign in just about every time I come on, and sometimes it won't let me comment at all! Grr!

    Rusty - Just read that you had a good (if tiring) celebration of your birthday. Happy Birthday from me, too. Glad it all went well - it must have, if they ate all the food!!.

    More from me tomorrow - we didn't go to visit our Youngest as planned, but had a very busy day here instead. Goodnight All.