Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 17 September 2023


I hope everyone has a wonderful week.

For various reasons, I've had a bad summer. So. I concluded today that I need to improve my quality of life. I went outdoors and sat down on my front step to think. There on the sidewalk in front of me was a big, astonishingly beautiful feather. It appeared to be about 11 inches long. The shaft was a brilliant silver color. The bottom was a silver gray with white splotches, and the upper section was a mottled deep brown and midnight black. The edges were outlined in black and silver. 

I'm not good at identifying feathers, and I didn't recognize the bird species. I don't think it was a hawk feather. It wasn't a bald eagle, a goose, a duck, a vulture, or a wild turkey. It could have been an owl, but I didn't recognize it. 

As Annette said earlier, this is the time of peak migration here in the Midwest. Millions of birds are in the sky during the 3 hours after sunset. So, I reckon a bird from up north decided to visit me. I felt uplifted.

Take care, all.

  • This is Provident a 99 year old boat from Brixham. Saw this on the Caledonian canal yesterday, isn't she beautiful.
  • Clare Bailey said:
    You might want to have a word with the shop - especially as you can't return them.  

    Nah, it was an impulse buy at the supermarket. A reputable brand though. Next year I shall buy specific colours. . . from a plant nursery.

  • Annoying about the bulbs AQ. I bought a tray of mixed cosmos this year (I usually buy all pink) trouble was, when I planted them, I didn’t know what colour they would turn out to be!!! Actually, they look quite nice all mixed up together. Other people have said so too,
    Dibnlib - beautiful boat. We crossed over the Caledonian Canal when I was up there on holiday.
    OG - thinking of J and hoping he is getting on OK.
    I have just had an email from the RSPB saying that they are going to launch a new website - making the switch over the next 4 weeks. It says that for a short time I won’t be able to access my personal account online. I hope it means my membership and access to the shopping and not this forum. It isn’t all that clear!!! Sigh!!
  • Oh, LINDY! That's the most beautiful poem I've ever read! THANK YOU! You have so much talent..
  • Thanks, everyone, for your kind words to me.
  • dibnlib said:
    This is Provident a 99 year old boat from Brixham. Saw this on the Caledonian canal yesterday, isn't she beautiful.

    Absolutely beautiful.  I love seeing this sort of thing.  Thanks for sharing her with us.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Morning all:

    dibnlib. I also love those old boats, redolent of days gone by that seem so romantic, but were probably harder than heck.

    AQ/Clare: I've found plants wildly mislabeled in Home Depot's gardening section, the color being last thing they got wrong! Love the nurseries that tell you where to plant (sun/shade/part shade), how big it will get, and how often to water.

    OG: Also hope J gets some joy re work so you can relax for a minute or three.

    We actually have sunshine this morning....
  • Hi! Magazine almost done – won’t try to finish it tonight – had a chaotic day!

    J couldn’t work out whether he was required at the local school, so he went there at 9am and they admitted they were in a muddle. Correct person was not available to talk – I think she was being interviewed for new head job – so administrators said they would find out and phone him. He took time out for his job centre appt, but could tell them nothing definite, and had some lunch at home. School eventually phoned at end of the day and he has to go in and speak to someone appropriate at 8am tomorrow. Looks like he will be there in some capacity! He actually coped very well with all the uncertainty and today’s muddles.

    Mixed weather today – some short light showers but plenty of sun too. – nothing like what has been happening in SW England. Cleaners came this afternoon – they will be taking three weeks off next month! I knew one is attending a wedding in Cyprus, but they had never given us their intended dates – it is much sooner than we thought.

    AQ – I love irises – but almost all white? Not good.

    DIBNLIB – a beautiful boat! How is the eye?

    RUSTY – OH got that same email from RSPB – he assumed it was our actual membership and the shop and not Community.
  • Unknown said:
    School eventually phoned at end of the day and he has to go in and speak to someone appropriate at 8am tomorrow. Looks like he will be there in some capacity!

    Keeping everything crossed that it's something interesting and long-term.

    Unknown said:
    He actually coped very well with all the uncertainty and today’s muddles.

    Give him a big WELL DONE from me!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.