Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 September 2023


Have a good week, folks.

I'm once again in the midst of a regional power outage. So, I'm logging off to preserve the charge on my phone. Sigh...

Take care, all.

  • Evening all:

    Rusty: Sounds like my kind of birthday - a relaxing time with a good friend in lovely surroundings.

    dibnlib: I've had the red-eye syndrome a couple of times; apparently it can be caused by carrying/lifting heavy items. Looks a bit ghastly at the time though.

    Had a productive day, although I felt that I'd been shot out of a cannon before ricocheting around the office supply store, the supermarket. and then Costco, where I came out with a basket full of stuff but completely forgot about picking up OH's meds, which was the original impetus for the trip. Arghh. Got that sorted - and then - to save the whole day, the gardener who's been working for several of my neighbors for years came by and agreed to come every other week to tidy up and keep on top of our garden.. I'm soooooo relieved. He knows plants and trees and immediately set priorities, which was also a relief. Phew.

    Meanwhile, we are having the coolest September I can remember.

    Heading off to find some ice cream, then off to bed in a bit. Take care all.
  • ANNETTE Yes, not serious when you know what it is. Someone joked he looked like an early hallowe'en and they were right. OH is having muffled ear problems as well and the tinnitus is back so he isn't having the best time!!
  • Good morning, all, and a very happy birthday to Rusty!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Thanks Heather and Clare. The actual day is NEXT Saturday when all the family are coming for a buffet lunch. Yesterday was the day my friend and I could get together for our little outing. It will be a spread out birthday as I am going out for lunch next Tuesday with another friend and out for an Indian meal a week tomorrow with a couple of other friends. I am very lucky I know. I am, however, feeling a little overwhelmed at the thought of all the cleaning and food shopping and prep which need to be done before next Saturday. I haven’t much time as I have other activities on too. The first thing to deal with is the arrival last night of a lot of French homework needing to be done ready for the lesson on Monday!!!! However, I am going out for a coffee with my French friend this morning. Now she is retired, she and her husband spend half their time at their house in France and half their time here. They are torn because they have one grandchild in France and one here!
  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Rusty! Have a super day.

    Dibnlib: Your poor OH. In the wars alright. Hope he feels better soon.

    Annette - Great news that you've found someone to help you in the garden, I know you've been trying to get assistance and it's hard to get someone who doesn't just want to trim everything in sight! How is your OH now? Is he recovering?

    OG - Hope things work out for J -- fingers crossed!

    The sun is out here, and we went for a coastal walk yesterday. The wind is still a warmish wind. Yesterday when we'd been here for 24 hours and were busy planning our next few days, I made an awful discovery -- I had only packed enough of my blood pressure meds to last over the weekend. I'd left an entire packet of them at home. Aaaaargh.

    Especially annoying as I take full responsibility for all our medications, as I don't trust my OH to remember his... Now, we will have to head for home on Monday instead of the almost full week we had intended to take until Wednesday. This will be our last break here this year apart from a short one in October to come and shut her up for the winter. I'm soo annoyed with myself.

  • Rusty -- see you've been on whilst I was moaning. Enjoy your extended birthday, then! Hope it all works out!
  • Sorry RUSTY - I thought it was this Saturday....
  • Lindy - One of the local pharmacies should be able to give you enough medication for a few days. If you give them the name of your GP they should be able to find your details online. It worked for me when I was in Scotland a couple of years ago ... Shame to have to shorten your break if you are able to get what you need locally.

    Rusty - This could be the longest birthday celebration on record ... well done! Hope you enjoy all the little 'parties' leading up to the main event next Saturday.

    I have had a very hectic morning - rushing over to pick up a piece of paper from one place, bringing it home and adding a bit more information before delivering it to somewhere else for more additions, then a scan and return to me for onward transmission. Thank goodness for technology! In between I also bought a skimmia to be planted over some of my sister's ashes, which have been sitting in the boot of my car for several weeks. They are now sitting on top of the piano until my lovely gardening lady comes on Wednesday to 'plant' both them and the skimmia. Can't believe it's more than nine months since she died ... I still miss her so much.

    Having done all that rushing around, I now intend to watch golf for the rest of the day!!
  • Pat - I want to watch the golf too but also really want to plant the bulbs I bought yesterday!!! What a lovely idea to put your sister’s ashes under a skimmia. Of course you will miss her but the plant will be a nice memory.