Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 September 2023


Have a good week, folks.

I'm once again in the midst of a regional power outage. So, I'm logging off to preserve the charge on my phone. Sigh...

Take care, all.

  • Not a good start to the week for you, Diane. I hope you get sorted out quickly.

    I can't wait for this heatwave to end. The temperature in the bedroom is torture.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • CLARE: I hope you all get some relief from the heat.

    My electricity has been restored. This was the 5th power outage in my area since June 29, when my power was out for several days. The power company should be forced to repair and upgrade their infrastructure and equipment, instead of giving all the profits to the executives and shareholders. But this state's corrupt politicians won't regulate the utility companies or hold them accountable. This country can't even keep the lights on.

  • Unknown said:
    This was the 5th power outage in my area since June 29, when my power was out for several days. The power company should be forced to repair and upgrade their infrastructure and equipment, instead of giving all the profits to the executives and shareholders.

    I couldn't agree more.  In a supposedly advanced nation, that's shocking.  I'm glad you've got power back but you must be forever wondering for how long!

    I can't remember the last time we had a power cut so our infrastructure is clearly better than yours.  There's been a lot of anger here, though, over the monster profits the power and fuel companies have been making here.  They've clearly taken the thing of 'greed is good' on board.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Thank you for starting us off again Diane on your precious battery!! Glad the power was restored. As Clare says, the uncertainty must be awful.
    Phew!!! Monty Don gave us a job for the weekend on Friday on Gardeners World, so this morning I have been out and done it!!! I am shattered! I emptied all my stored bulbs out of their pots and put aside the “keepers”. Then I scrubbed all the pots ready for their next planting!!! I mulched some of my shrubs with the old compost!! A friend is taking me to a garden centre next Friday to buy me some bulbs for my birthday. I will get some nice potting compost whilst I am there. Then I imagine I will be planting some of them but maybe not the tulips yet!! I always think it is worth the effort when they flower in the spring.
    It is supposed to be raining and thundering by now but the sun is out!!! I will be sitting watching the golf from Ireland this afternoon.
  • commiserations Diane (when you are able to get to read this)

    The good news (and almost unbelievable but, nevertheless true  - trust me on this    Open mouth     ) one day , within our lifetimes, all power with be free, worldwide. The bad guys have kept this from us but, the good guys intend to share the good news and good Tech with the  world. 

    Serbian-American engineer and physicist Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) made dozens of breakthroughs in the production, transmission and application of electric power
  • DIANE thank you for the start. Sorry to hear you are having such trouble with your power. I so agree that those in charge should be thinking about doing the decent thing and cutting back their huge pay packets so things can be improved or the man in the street doesn't have to pay eye watering charges.
  • Odd event in the night, woke up and couldn't see, woke OH quickly before I panicked and when he came to he said he couldn't see either!! Luckily we quickly deduced it was a power cut, our bedroom has blackout curtains to combat early morning sun so was pitch black ... laughed afterwards of course when having to wee by torchlight, was 3 am and worked out the power was off for three hours! Fell asleep with the torch in my hand! Lol


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Thank you to Diane for starting us off, especially under difficult circumstances! Sorry your power is so unreliable, & agree that it's a scandal.

    Cirrus - My father was an Engineer. He loved cars, and reassured me once that it was only a matter of time before all transport would be powered by harnessing water and converting it into power, thus making it free for all. Although knowing what big corporations are like, I now doubt if "free" power will ever be possible.

    Rusty -- I watch Monty Don but rarely take his advice on jobs for the week! What a super present, taking you to choose bulbs which you'll enjoy later in the Spring.

    Wendy -- Did laugh at your description! We never black out the room so I might have coped by moonlight.

    It's still very warm here but clouded over. Just now, we had several big spots of rain, so my OH rescued the garden cushions etc.

  • I wonder how the wedding went for Annette and family?

    Today's quotes:

    Santa Claus has the right idea - visit people only once a year.
    Victor Borge.

    Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.
    Mark Twain.

  • It is hard to believe my niece is ran her 4th Great North Run today. She was once so obese she could hardly walk the length of a room. She now uses running to destress and is mentoring others. She does park runs every weekend and has run a marathon and an ultra marathon. So very proud of her. Her Sister goes to most big events to cheer her on. It is great that they have each other to help through the adversities, eg their Dad, my Brother.