Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 September 2023


Have a good week, folks.

I'm once again in the midst of a regional power outage. So, I'm logging off to preserve the charge on my phone. Sigh...

Take care, all.

  • dibnlib - I have driven in the area of Loch en Eilein many times, but have never walked round it. Your enthusiasm has put it firmly on the list for the next time I'm in that area - hopefully next year.

    Feeling very stressed at the moment. Don't really know why - except I am trying to cram too much into too few days, and feeling I am not being as efficient as usual. Must be last week's sun! Things are still getting done when they need to - but I'm not feeling as relaxed as usual. Hopefully after this evening's meeting (and once I've written up the Minutes and got them circulated) things will calm down for a while ... I obviously need another visit to the seaside!
  • J managed to set off in time today without begging a lift to the bus (half hour walk) and it is a dry day so far, so shed is being painted. I have decided I shall not go to M&S with E-E as I am tired with the new getting up schedule, and don’t need an outing because I have lunch out tomorrow and evening meal Friday!

    ANNETTE – J won’t know about any extension until the school knows it is in desperate need – AKA panic! You did well with cleaning and laundry after the weekend.

    PAT – are you trying to do too much? It is unlike you to admit to stress. The weekly newssheet was supposed to be a temporary measure during the lockdowns – do you think it might be time for you to revert to the monthly magazine only? Sorry I never responded about sharing material – I am only just getting back into idea of doing the magazine and several things here are different now, so I am still feeling my way carefully back into it.
  • Pat O said:
    Feeling very stressed at the moment. Don't really know why - except I am trying to cram too much into too few days, and feeling I am not being as efficient as usual. Must be last week's sun! Things are still getting done when they need to - but I'm not feeling as relaxed as usual. Hopefully after this evening's meeting (and once I've written up the Minutes and got them circulated) things will calm down for a while ... I obviously need another visit to the seaside!
    You obviously need to plan a trip to Mull.  Stop putting it off - we won't make it back there next year so it's obvious you need to.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • OG - Yes, you are absolutely right! It's not so bad keeping the weekly newsletter going - yes, it was supposed to be for a short time during lockdown - but it's actually quite easy because things come in over the week and I just slot them in, so no massive editing job needed. It's just all the rest of the stuff ... I have managed to say 'no' to a couple of things lately, which is a huge step forward!

    Clare - Oh definitely, Mull would be wonderful :). I am planning a trip next year but am going to have to be strict with myself and put Mull to the top of the list of things to do!!! We need to ensure someone from Weekly Chat visits regularly to keep an eye on those sea eagles!
  • Hello all, not been on for some time but all well down here. Weather has gone a bit cooler with rain all yesterday but
    a fine sunny day today.

    Been reading all about what has been happening and some very interesting bits of news. Hope Diane's outage has resolved and that power is restored for a while now. OG, pleased to hear you have been getting about and that J is
    enjoying his job. Annette, pleased to hear that the wedding went off well and that family are now heading home. Hope you have managed to recover and that the newly weds are safely on their way to Italy.

    Will try and drop in a bit more frequently
  • PAT O So sorry to hear you are feeling stressed. I hope you get to Loch an Eilein sometime. We are lucky enough to be only a 40 minute drive from there. It can get quite busy in summer but we have never not been able to park. There is a small charge but as we are friends of Rothiemurchus we are covered for that. The walk should only take about 1 1/2 hours but as we generally stop to chat we always take longer.
  • Morning all:

    OG: Gosh - half-hour walk and then the bus? No wonder you're concerned about J's work continuing into the winter.

    PatO; When you're busy juggling so much, stress sort of sneaks up on you Good the newsletter isn't too onerous but what is "all the other stuff."

    Lynette: Always nice to see you but don't worry about posting regularly. Day-to-day stuff tends to get in the way...

    Fell into bed at 8 p.m. last night and determined to get back into my early morning routine so tootled out this morning for a 'starter' walk. Now am facing piles of paperwork, bills, etc. that have been accumulating on my desk. Overcast and nicely cool this morning...

    Take care everyone.
  • Oh goodness, I'm all behind again... been busy and nearly forgot to come on here at all!

    Rusty: There have been ongoing discussions about doing away with our landline altogether - our son has not had one for years and they just use their mobiles. My OH actually got hold of the Customer Service at Virgin and tried to cancel it, once last year, and they persuaded him to stay on and gave him a reduction in our bill!! Perhaps he should do it again....

    Clare: Forgot to say, loved the Peregrine in the shop. How gorgeous would that be? Why don't you think you'll be going to Mull next year? I know you love it so was surprised to hear it.

    Annette Glad that the relatives all got back to their respective abodes easily. Now you can all swap photos of the event. Last couple of weddings I've been to, someone has put a central place for everyone to pool all their pictures so that others can enjoy and/or copy them. I hope your grandson enjoys Italy - I'm sure they will.

    OG: You sound busy again. Good that J is settling in but it does sound what my friend used to call "a bit of a faff" to get to work as it's so far.

    Lynette: Nice to see you..

    Rusty: What a super outing. You do get about, indeed!

    Pat: You might be getting overtired if you have a lot on your plate. Try to put each thing in a mental box and tick them off. (Not sure if that's helpful, but have a HUG anyway)
  • Lindy - Thank you ... I'll take the hug!! I have so many mental boxes in my brain I'm surprised my head isn't square!

    Annette - Most of the 'other stuff' is church related and sometimes gets a bit much because I still haven't learned to say 'no'! Although I'm getting better ...
  • PatO; Stand in front of the mirror, look yourself in the eye and say 100 times "Sorry, but I already have too much on my plate." (Let me know if it works.) :-)