Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 September 2023


Have a good week, folks.

I'm once again in the midst of a regional power outage. So, I'm logging off to preserve the charge on my phone. Sigh...

Take care, all.

  • DIANE - Thank you for wasting your precious battery to start us!

    WENDY – We often have power failures. One night OH was asleep in his chair, so I left a torch on a table (facing away from him) in case he woke in the dark. Normally we have night lights as he won’t turn on room lights and of course the wee lights were off too.

    re both not getting covid etc jabs together – they won’t do them in case the carer becomes unwell and can’t care for the other.

    It is almost 6 months from my last covid booster. No word yet on the next. Last Monday I had lunch out with a niece from a far city. Two days later she emailed that she had tested positive to covid. My OH could not understand why I did not rush out immediately to get tested. A week on, I still have no symptoms and niece is recovering.

  • Rusty: I'm out of touch with wedding protocols anywhere these days. There was no gift opening yesterday and nothing planned. Our gift consisted of cold hard cash that was delivered some time ago. :-)) I know they do 'public' gift opening at bridal/baby showers and birthdays here - the latter mostly for kids (I think) - and I've always cringed at those. I like low-key events without too much brouhaha and tend not to like the spotlight. When OH and I got married (a very modest affair in my back garden after my OH decided to take early retirement), we told only my family here and in the UK beforehand. Then my friend insisted on throwing a huge reception a couple of months later and invited everyone and their brother (and their brother too!). Fingers crossed the weather is kind to you.

    Scylla: SCE is indeed upgrading/replacing much of their equipment as Pacific Gas & Electric (the other big power company) was found liable for the huge fire that destroyed the town of Paradise some years back. Just popped into the Starr ranch webcam - and what are those squirmy wriggly little things! Millions of bugs? Um. Yuk.

    dibnlib: Sounds like your bro is doing a Donald Trump (delay, delay, delay - or so he hopes).
  • Unknown said:
    When OH and I got married (a very modest affair in my back garden after my OH decided to take early retirement), we told only my family here and in the UK beforehand. Then my friend insisted on throwing a huge reception a couple of months later and invited everyone and their brother (and their brother too!).

    Are you still friends?  Limpy would have hated that.

    Unknown said:
    SCE is indeed upgrading/replacing much of their equipment as Pacific Gas & Electric (the other big power company) was found liable for the huge fire that destroyed the town of Paradise some years back.

    Blimey.  I read about Paradise (what a heartbreaking story) and I hadn't realised a power company was liable.  Bet that cost them.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • ANNETTE Glad the wedding went well. Yes you are right, they are both remarkable people.
  • RUSTY I did say to OH this morning that I wondered about my brother being allowed to leave the country. I do know from facebook that he and his friends have been playing golf to raise money for prostate cancer and have just seen this morning he is in Spain.
  • I went to Chester Zoo this morning. It was lovely and quiet without any school groups. However, it was really warm and humid so I only lasted 90 minutes. As I am a member and therefore hadn’t purchased a ticket that was fine. I enjoyed the flowers and shrubs during my walk. When I got home it rained. Lovely. I stood by the door and watched. It is much cooler now thankfully.
  • Morning all:

    Clare: PG&E reached a settlement of $13.5 billion after pleading guilty to 84 counts of involuntary manslaughter. Fire was caused by old equipment. Re wedding, not sure how many rehearsals - grandson works for CalFire and has been away a lot servicing fire equipment, upgrading, etc. Also, some people were from out of town so not available. No big deal.   Yes, we are still friends; she does tend to be high maintenance but has good heart and also lives 1K miles away now.  :-)

    AQ: You might want to pick up one or more those little lights that are constantly plugged in to an outlet and which come on only when the power goes off. They are handy.

  • Grr.. ... Have had to sign in here every day for a week!

    Annette - Good to hear that the wedding went off well (in spite of the heat). Nice for you to see the family but I don't blame you for not going to the next day party.

    Dibnlib -- Your brother seems to have no shame at all.

    Its been showery here -- I put my smalls on the line in the sunshine, but we had to rush out & rescue the laundry as it went black really quickly. My OH has now painted the new door to match the others and only has to put the handle on it now. (So we mustn't go in there and shut the door or we won't be able to get out, LOL!!)

    Clare -- Awful Cousin left a message on a relatives answer machine recently and we all shuddered!

  • Lindybird said:
    Awful Cousin left a message on a relatives answer machine recently and we all shuddered!

    Oh, blimey.  Did she say she was planning to visit?  She must be really getting on now.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • ANNETTE - glad the wedding went well. I hope GD etc are having a smooth journey home. Pleased that Pearl was well behaved while you and OH had her at your house.

    DIBNLIB – I was surprised your brother was allowed to leave the country!

    RUSTY – big plans for your birthday – I hope all goes well! Enjoy your celebration. Temps are fluctuating here – sometimes a pleasant breeze, other times exceedingly “muggy”.

    LINDA – awaiting news of Awful Cousin’s intentions! I hope you have some plans made for avoidance.

    J is working this week and next – and may be extended. He is supporting learning for ASN pupils in Lockerbie. He managed to find a small rural bus, so the 20-minute journey takes an hour through lots of villages. He only had the position confirmed last evening, so it was all rather chaotic, but he coped well with his preparations, got up very early and seems to have had a good day. For us at home, this meant adjusting menus and shopping lists, but was quite a normal Monday, with the cleaners this afternoon – but no time for gardening.