ALYTH AUGUST 2023 to end of FEBRUARY 2024

  • Link to season’s opening post here

Link to July 2023 - here


FLORA HK0 arrived 30 March 2023

HARRY (unringed) arrived 4 April 2023


EGG No.1 laid 15 AprilHatched 21 May (37 days)  Fledged 9 July aged 49 days

EGG No. 2 laid 18 AprilHatched 23 May (36 days)  Fledged 14 July aged 52 days

EGG No. 3 laid 21 AprilHatched 25 May (35 days)  Fledged 20 July aged 56 days


Due to the height of this nest, no ringing of the chicks takes place.


This has been a dramatic month with chick #1 getting a thin piece of plastic wrapped around its ankle for a few days, (Flora has a love of bringing plastic to the nest) chick #2 turning out to be quite aggressive, especially to chick #3 and chick #3 not getting much to eat on a lot of days. However, the three chicks are still here and seem to be doing okay. The fish brought to the nest can be sporadic and mostly small but each juvenile usually manages to get something to eat. #3 is getting more confident in snatching the fish as they arrive. We’ve had a couple of scares with Flora twice tumbling off the side of the nest with a juvenile but luckily no harm done. Flora wasn’t seen for 3 days (24-26 July) but is thankfully back and providing for the nest. 

#1 has been taking fish off the nest to eat since 17 July (58 days old) so I am expecting this juvenile to be the first to begin migration but who knows! It’s still a few weeks away so hopefully the fish supply will include a few big ones to fatten these young ospreys up for their long journeys ahead. 

Today, 1 August,  the juveniles are 72, 70 and 68 days old. 

The family at the beginning of the month

and now the three juveniles

Flora and Harry delivering fish

All captures and videos ©️ SSEN Transmission

  • 15.09 It took #3 a long time to eat that fish. He had a lot of rest periods and parts of the fish were tough to eat.

    15.10 He stopped to look at something 


    15.14 Did some calling

    15.20 Eating again

    16.37 resting

    17.32 eating

    18.00 looking around

    18.31 eating

    18.59 tackling the long stringy bits


    19.01 and finally, the last piece was swallowed.

    What a marathon effort! If #2 had been around, that fish would’ve been taken from #3 long ago! 
    Well done #3 on a whole afternoon’s effort. He leaves the nest, kind of stumbling as he flies over the edge. 

  • Sunday 27 August

    #3 flew onto the nest at 07.04 announcing his arrival.

    08.02 He stayed for about an hour then left with a downward dive.

    He returned at 08.24. Some chipping was heard from presumably Harry just before #3 arrived. The chipping continued for a few seconds more.

    08.25 #3 vocalised too, just his usual calling.

    He didn’t stay long and left at 08.41.

  • Harry arrived at 10.32 with a flatfish. He made a few contact chips.

    10.36 No sign of #3, Harry left with the fish.

  • Harry returned again at 10.56 He had started eating the fish whilst away.

    He made soft contact chips after landing.

    10.59 looking around, does he see #3?

    #3 could be heard screeching through the air as he was getting nearer to the nest 

    Harry started calling to him

    #3 arrived noisily

    He took the fish

    #3 mantled over the fish. Harry left.

    11.00 someone up there?


    11.02 Eating

    11.21 Around 20 minutes later he’s down to the tail

    There it goes


  • Next fish for #3 came at 15.25

    For once, it wasn’t a flatfish! This should be much easier for #3 to eat and Harry has already started it for him.

    Mantling and calling that he’s got a fish.



    16.20 attempting the tail but it’s still too large.

    16.23 after eating a little more, he manages the tail this time

    16.24 Once finished he’s asking for more! 

  • #3 stayed on the nest calling for fish.





    19.25 Just before he leaves for the night.

    He could be heard calling as he left the nest. 

  • Monday 28 August

    #3 decided to roost on the perch overnight. 
    Arrived 22.48

    22.54 Flew to the perch



    06.05 a wing and leg stretch

    A yoga stretch

    06.05 A wee squirt then he’s off, ready for the day ahead. 

  • It was after 11am  before #3 got his first fish.


    A flatfish

    Harry left, #3 mantled over his fish, calling.

    11.21 Crows could be heard calling in the the background. #3 went quiet. 

    He looked behind

    He started making low chipping and quacking sounds

    Then flew off with his fish at speed with high pitched long calling all of the time

    One second later a large bird flew from the tree area. Another raptor.

    Magnified. Looks like a buzzard.

    Both birds could be heard calling as the buzzard chased #3 for his fish. 

  • #3 wasn’t away for long and flew back a minute later, still calling as he flew in. Still had his fish.

    11.23 He mantled and vocalised

    11.25 He lifted the fish up to secure his grip with his talons.

    11.26 Started eating 



    13.16 finally swallowing the tail.

    All done!

  • Nice fat crop there!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr