Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 July 2023


The moon turns full on Tuesday, 1 August, in the UK and the US. Then, on 30 August, a full Blue moon will occur (the second full moon in a month). Both are supermoons (perigean moons, which are full moons that happen at or near the exact time when the moon is closest to earth in its orbit, so they appear larger and brighter). The August Blue moon will be the closest of the year!

I hope everyone has a peaceful, joyful week. Love to all.

  • RUSTY - Thank you for your travelogue. It is good to have a guide so you don’t miss anything.

    PAT – OH was asked in a cognitive test to name as many “f” words as he could. (He thought of the most famous one when we reached the car!) Since then when I can’t sleep, I choose a letter of the alphabet and list any words until I fall asleep. I had not thought of categories as you have.

    OG – Congrats to you & OH on another milestone. I hope J can sort himself soon and not be such a worry for you.

    I collected my new driving glasses yesterday. Script slightly “tweaked” but difference not noticeable. They are a spare pair and I shall not be grounded if anything happens now. ANNETTE – The brand is “Annette”, so I can take you with me on outings. LOL.

    Since I last posted, I have been remembering favourite music. Yes, to Jacqueline du Pre & Carmen Burana. And Beethoven’s Choral Symphony. Saint Saens Organ Symphony, especially the finale when OH turns the volume up! Bells of St Genevieve by Marin Marias. Foot-tapping Irish dance.

  • AQ - I must try your 'not sleeping word game' as well - over the years I've exhausted most of the categories I can think of! Perhaps I should start on 01 January with A and see how long it takes me to reach Z?!?!? And I totally agree about Beethoven 9 - actually, anything by Beethoven! - and the Saint-Saens Organ Symphony - again on a really big organ with a really good organist!

    OG - Congratulations and commiserations in equal measure. So sorry you weren't able to celebrate your wedding anniversary, and hope you will be able to do so soon. And so sorry to hear about J. Do hope he will be back on a more even keel and that the tweak in medication helps.
  • Morning all
    OG - a very difficult situation for the three of you. J certainly seems to be mentally fragile. I hope that he will soon feel better. Regarding his meds - why doesn't he get a weekly pill box and decant into it?
    Somebody asked the ages of the expectant parents here. Grandson Callum is 25 and his ex girlfriend is 22.
    I've had the painter here all this week. A lot of outside stuff, sheds, garage, conservatory, big side gates etc. Fortunately, the weather has been mostly dry although the forecast for today is not too jolly !
  • Saint- Saens Organ Symphony. I love It too. It also reminds me of watching the film “Babe” - the Sheep Pig with my nieces when they were young. The music is used in that. They loved the book too and had an audio version for the car which I heard several times on journeys!!!
    OG - congratulations on your wedding anniversary. So sorry your plans were ruined. It must be a real worry for you about J. He just seems to have one problem after another. I hope the tweak in his meds will help.
    Re sleep (or not) I am still tired after my holiday but I can’t sleep. I go off very quickly but then wake up after 2 or 3 hours. It is most annoying. So, I am going out for some fresh air this morning. I will drive to Burton Mere Wetlands RSPB and have a couple of hours there. It is always a pleasant walk and there will be birds to see. I will be home for lunch,
    I hope everyone has a good day.
  • rusty2 said:
    I hope everyone has a good day.

    It's been good so far - I've just brought the washing in and it's close to dry!  The weather forecast here, to say the least, is not conducive to successful line-drying.

    rusty2 said:
    I am going out for some fresh air this morning. I will drive to Burton Mere Wetlands RSPB and have a couple of hours there. It is always a pleasant walk and there will be birds to see. I will be home for lunch

    Sounds lovely!  Make sure you relax during the afternoon as that lost sleep is sure to catch up with you then.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Back from our hols today.

    Happy Anniversary OG and EE. So very sorry you are having yet more problems with J.
  • I'm off to see the film Oppenheimer tonight at our local (and very nice) cinema. I'm delighted we have such a great little place in our not particularly big town.

    Keep your eyes open for the quivering wreck when I come back! I've heard it's a fantastic and very real film.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare - I hope Oppenheimer doesn’t disappoint.
    Didblib - hope you have had a lovely holiday. Remind us again where you went.
  • Thanks Rusty We were on a river cruise, sailing in the Douro valley with Viking. It was wonderful. We have also been with Vikiing on the Rhine and Danube.
  • Dibnlib - so glad you had such a great holiday.