Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 July 2023


The moon turns full on Tuesday, 1 August, in the UK and the US. Then, on 30 August, a full Blue moon will occur (the second full moon in a month). Both are supermoons (perigean moons, which are full moons that happen at or near the exact time when the moon is closest to earth in its orbit, so they appear larger and brighter). The August Blue moon will be the closest of the year!

I hope everyone has a peaceful, joyful week. Love to all.

  • Diane: Bless you dearie! Best thoughts for you this week what with the weather and all the noise.

    Lindybird: I've added an extension cord to my iron.

    Hallo to everyone else; have a good Sunday.
  • Unknown said:
    The August Blue moon will be the closest of the year!

    I'll confess that whenever I think of a blue moon I tend to think of that priceless scene in Grease.  Sorry.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Just a quick pop-in from me in Sunny - for now- Suffolk.

    Diane Thanks for starting us off and I do hope the noise and heat have abated for you. The BBC carried a story of a brown bear cooling off in someones swimming pool in the US.

    OG - good news re you progress with walking and the weekly visits.

    Heather - I have had similar last year when my great niece announced she was pregnant but not with the Father and its turned out fine.

    To everyone else I read all the posts and so enjoy reading about aspects of all your lives and trips etc, so keep them coming.

    I have my Daughter visiting from Silverston, Northamptonshire - she arrived Friday and is staying until Monday, which would have been my youngest Daughter and her Sister's 38th Birthday. We will  celebrate her life together and probably there will be a few tears but lots of laughter too.

    Last evening we went to  The Old Chapel in Walpole to see a performance with the poet Blake Morrison together with the Hosepipe Band. They composed music around the poems in his book Shingle Street and he read the Poems. It was very good, but the music was not Daughters cup of tea. The instruments ranged from standard keyboard, double bass and electric guitar plus melodean, footbass, concertina, schwirrbogen, hammered dulcimer, hurdy gurdy, flute, bells, bagpipes and glockenspiel!!

    Today we are off to Aldeburgh and Snape Maltings.

    Take care all and have a good week!

  • Thank you to Diane for starting us off again. I am worried about your situation now, Diane -- it's no fun having the disturbance of noise and its doubly worrying that the local wildlife will have been affected. :-(

    Dry here, after a bit of an initial shower. We were going to go for a short walk, but decided against it so instead have got on with a job which badly needed doing, cleaning the window blinds at the front of the house. We bought new venetian blinds a couple of years ago, without much thought about cleaning, and they do take a bit of an effort - I can't reach the top of course and it's all fiddly to do. Ugh. My OH helped, and of course he can reach the upper parts and has a lot of patience so it's been easier than if I'd done it alone -- phew! Done now- just have to put the furniture back & etc.

    Harelady - Enjoy the company of your daughter and getting out and about. How nice that she was able to come so that you can both celebrate your other daughter's birthday together. Tears and laughter- I know that one. Hosepipe Band -- I feel I've seen them on TV sometime, anyway, it sounds fun.

  • Lindybird: I got those kinds of blinds when we first moved in. Never again.

    Harelady: Here's to a good visit with your daughter and bitter-sweet memories... Hugs from here.
  • We went to the Churches Together Holiday Club "celebration" this morning - an absolute fiasco.. I think I disgraced myself by saying what I thought - "utter rubbish". Oh, I am such an embarrassment to my husband and son!

    I was pleased to see LINDA reappear on here at the end of the week - I had worried something had happened to you.

    No rain here today - even what had been forecast for 11am - but tis very breezy.

    DIANE - thanks for the new week and the moon information. So, I guess you have your power back and everything in working order.

    HARELADY - enjoy time with your Daughter and your shared memories.
  • Unknown said:
    We went to the Churches Together Holiday Club "celebration" this morning - an absolute fiasco.. I think I disgraced myself by saying what I thought - "utter rubbish". Oh, I am such an embarrassment to my husband and son!

    If they seriously see you as an embarrassment then you need to be equally subtle with them!  Well done for standing up and saying what you think.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • OG: Now I'm intrigued - what did the Holiday Club 'celebration' consist of?
  • Thank you Diane for starting our new week. I hope it is quieter in your area now.
    Harelady - these next few days will be very poignant for you. I hope tomorrow goes as well as it can do.
    Lindy - Venetian blinds! I got rid of mine after many years. I too found them extremely difficult to clean. I bet you are glad yours are done for now.
    OG - sorry the Celebration Service was such a disappointment. It sometimes happens I suppose at these gatherings. Was it more aimed at the youngsters?
    I have been replaying the Lady Captains Day golf competition which got stopped due to lighting the other week. Despite feeling so tired (holiday and post holiday chores) I managed to come 11th. We got in before the rain fortunately.
    Tomorrow I am meeting my sister for lunch at a nearby garden centre and then I might have some time to tell a few stories about my birding holiday.