Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 July 2023


The moon turns full on Tuesday, 1 August, in the UK and the US. Then, on 30 August, a full Blue moon will occur (the second full moon in a month). Both are supermoons (perigean moons, which are full moons that happen at or near the exact time when the moon is closest to earth in its orbit, so they appear larger and brighter). The August Blue moon will be the closest of the year!

I hope everyone has a peaceful, joyful week. Love to all.

  • I've done it again -- been so busy that I forgot to post on here!

    We've been cleaning (again!) gardening (between showers) and filling in forms (not a favourite of mine). Yes, years & years ago I used to clean our venetian blinds by putting them in the bath & hanging them up on the line. They were made of metal. Then for years we had those vertical blinds, which certainly didn't get as dusty. Our new ones are made of some sort of composite, made to look like wood : they were the nearest effect I could find to the newest fashion for wooden shutters. I had quotes for wooden shutters at the time and it was totally shocking-- way above what I expected. Let's just say that the blinds I bought in the end, cost about a tenth of the ones I'd been considering!

    Anyway, back to cleaning -- these can't be dipped in water although how we did it was for me to brush them first then for my OH to wipe them down afterwards with a damp micro cloth. They are held together with "ribbons" of fabric which look to me as if that's going to be where they wear out, eventually.

  • Favourite Instrument results starting at No 13 – Viola, French Horn, Flute, Trumpet, Voice / Singing (Choir), Harp, Organ, Guitar, Clarinet, Oboe, Violin, Piano and finally at No 1. . . the Cello. Here is a link to the complete list.

    Today lunch with Friend in a quiet café where we can natter for hours.

  • My list of favourite instruments: No 1, Piano (mostly sublime) No 2, Cello (so soulful) No 3, Electric Guitar ,(wonderfully versatile).
    I've had music on all day most days, usually the radio. On the radio we have the new channel "Boom" which plays pop music from our youth. Given up on Radio 2 which I've listened to for 50 years as they decided to only cater for the under 50s. When that's not on I have Classic fm which is of course classical music. In the car I've been playing Fisherman's Friends sea shanties and old Elton John CDs plus some American Songbook CDs --- I have very varied tastes and also like jazz, choral music and music & songs from Musicals.
  • See that AQ has revealed the results. Stunned to see that the cello was so popular - I thought it was just me who enjoyed it, apart from King Charles who I believe can play it himself. Thank you, AQ.

    Edit: I'm off to bed as it's late, here.

  • AQ - Thank you, that was a really interesting exercise. Glad my favourites were all in the top ten, although amused that I didn't pick the viola ... as I used to play it! I also played piano and organ and sang, though, so I guess I have redeemed myself musically!

    Clare - I'll need to think about twentieth/twenty-first century musicians I appreciate. Watch this space!
  • I was going to name the Cello as a follow up to the piano, which I think is the most versatile of instruments.
  • I play the piano and used to play the clarinet and a bit of acoustic guitar. I have also sung in various choirs including a madrigal one. I don’t sing publicly any more!!! I have a very eclectic taste in music, Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin would be in my Desert Island discs selection as would Nimrod by Elgar and probably “Praise to the Holiest in the Heights” from his Dream of Gerontius. (It’s was my mum’s favourite too) Sibelius is my favourite composer. I love the way his symphonies build up until the tune comes through as in his 2nd. A Beatles song (probably one of the earlier ones) would be in there too and maybe the main tune from Lord of the Rings! I told you I had an eclectic taste!!! Thank you AQ for starting this theme. It has been really interesting to read about everyone’s tastes and instrumental preferences.
    I am off to put the bedding in the washer and will return later with part 1 of my birding adventure.
  • rusty2 said:
    Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin would be in my Desert Island discs selection

    My older sister would applaud that - she's a huge Zeppelin fan.  I've always preferred Black Sabbath as they're far less subtle, and Ozzy's voice is so expressive.  The music from the Lord of the Rings is great.  I like a fair amount of the Beatles but if I was asked to pick a favourite song of theirs it would probably be Eleanor Rigby - I don't think anyone's done a song about loneliness to beat that (though I'll give an honorable mention to Seal's Killer).  My musical taste is very eclectic as well.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Now there's an idea - Desert Island Discs! I recently came across the 'script' of one I did some years ago. I would probably change a couple of the 'discs' now, but basically my taste hasn't altered very much.