Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 July 2023


The moon turns full on Tuesday, 1 August, in the UK and the US. Then, on 30 August, a full Blue moon will occur (the second full moon in a month). Both are supermoons (perigean moons, which are full moons that happen at or near the exact time when the moon is closest to earth in its orbit, so they appear larger and brighter). The August Blue moon will be the closest of the year!

I hope everyone has a peaceful, joyful week. Love to all.

  • DIANE – Thank you for a new week. I hope you and your wildlife get some peace soon.

    HARELADY – Each year our classic radio station has a competition, asking listeners to vote on… eg Favourite Concerto, Favourite Symphony, etc. This year it was Favourite Instrument. For weeks they promoted various instruments, some familiar, many more unusual, including African, Asian etc. I didn’t vote – we were allowed 10, but I had trouble selecting last 3! They played the Top 100 over the Kings B-day weekend, staring with No 100, the Keytar. The Didjeridoo was 15, Highland Bagpipes 14. I’ll leave Posters to think about your choice/s and let you know the Top 10 later.

  • Here is another competition I spotted – I hope you can play these sounds UpOver. I think my favourite is the Aussie Raven, I love the way it "winds down" at the end of its call.

  • Yeay ANNETTE that was one of mine. Not telling results until tomorrow.
  • AQ - my favourite instrument depends on my mood so I will put a few. Cor anglais, acoustic guitar. Then total contrast if I am in a jolly mood - trumpet (or cornet if I am listening to a brass band)
  • AQ: Must confess I was influenced by the looks of some of the contenders- and the names. For example, the Fairywren! A sweet name and such a pretty bird! And the Galah (which you have in your garden). I liked the song of the Butcherbird (unfortunate name but nice looking). Also liked the Lyrebird, the Magpie and the Whipbird. Avians aside, I though the Kookaburra was cute to look at and of course, who could resist the Sugar Glider. Now I must really go back to sorting out dinner! Thanks for the diversions. :-)
  • RUSTY – OH said his favourite instrument depended on the piece of music being played. And I thought I knew his 2 favourires!

  • Thanks to all for encouraging messages regarding the new baby. Much appreciated. At the best of times, I worry about things over which I have no control. I wasn't like that until I got older !
    HARELADY - I remember when your daughter died - it will be a bittersweet time, the anniversary and days round about then, but I'm very happy that you will be with your other daughter x
    LINDY et al - I had Venetian blinds in my last house. My neighbour, who was extremely houseproud, took hers down and washed them in the bath. Then hung them on the washing line, attached with string. I did the same with great results !
    OG - sometimes one's mouth opens before the brain is in gear ! It happens ...

  • aquilareen said:
    This year it was Favourite Instrument.

    Electric guitar (played really well).  I also like hearing a harp - the Dyfi female, Telyn, is named for one.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Piano. Church organ (a really big one played by a really good organist in a huge cathedral!). Oboe. Cello..