Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 June 2023


I hope everyone has a week of joyful, serene summer days.

I posted a couple of replies at the end of last week's thread. I read with interest all of your news throughout the week, and I apologize for not replying to everyone. I've been ill this week, and I haven't accomplished much of anything. Sorry, folks, for this negative start to the thread. I usually try to write a positive post.

Have a good week, all.

  • Hello. Just had to sign in, as its the 1st of the month again.

    31 species, Rusty! Wow! You do get to do some exciting things.

    Clare -- love Eagles!!!

    Now to see if this will post....
  • Lindy - Burton is only 25 minutes away and it’s a lovely place just to go for a walk. Everyone is very friendly. They are having a cafe built!
    Love the picture!!
    I am having a quiet day at home today! Yes!! Amazing isn’t it? I will work on my presentation this morning (if PowerPoint decides to work) and cut the grass this afternoon if it dries after yesterday’s drizzle.
  • Today is a big day in Annan – the annual Riding of the Marches. These Ridings are held through the summer Saturdays along the border towns and villages – part of our local history. It usually rains for Annan RoM, but there has only been a little drizzle today, so everyone will be enjoying the day – culminating in the Brass Band competitions and big parade of all the marching bands early evening.

    What have we been doing? Not a lot - quite wet some days. Had haircuts Friday so a good chat with Nicole when she came; I always enjoy putting the world to rights with her.

    A lovely email last evening – we are finally going to meet our “Great-Grand-Dog”! Grandson#2 and his wife can’t have children, but they have two rabbits and a dog – of the rescue variety. We haven’t ever seen the dog, but they are travelling down to the English Lake District next weekend (to collect some car wheels – typical) and will call in for a short visit. Must be about five years since we saw them – both Grandsons came on our 50th Anniversary although our daughters didn’t. We see elder Grandson every year, but they may not make it this time as they are hoping to be busy moving house soon. BTW, J did get cards from both his sisters, and one phoned him the next day.

    CLARE – lovely to see your post – and photos. Sorry it has been a bad year, so glad you managed to get over to Mull again.

    LINDA – good to see you are managing and accepting help of your OH, but I still agree with ANNETTE about getting the knee seen to! Loved the cartoon! BTW OH is totally unaware of the cataracts so no trouble to him. Lovely bright Lillies. My Dad was a rose-lover, and he favoured floribundas.

    Been told I must move for lunch – a sausage hash today!
  • OG I didn't realise how badly my cataracts were affecting me till I had them seen to. The first was central which causes the most difficulty and I couldn't judge stairs, steps, kerb edges etc. On one occasion we were in the car in the dark and I could see 6 crescent moons and headlights coming towards us were a nightmare.

    Hope the weather continues dry for "The Ridings" We have had some very heavy downpours here.
  • Good evening, all.  I've added a few more photos to my Mull thread - click on this adorable bird to see them:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.