Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 June 2023


I hope everyone has a week of joyful, serene summer days.

I posted a couple of replies at the end of last week's thread. I read with interest all of your news throughout the week, and I apologize for not replying to everyone. I've been ill this week, and I haven't accomplished much of anything. Sorry, folks, for this negative start to the thread. I usually try to write a positive post.

Have a good week, all.

  • Lindybird: I hope the floribundas bloom long enough to cheer your OH through his cold and frustration. Love the lilies.
  • ANNETTE - can't remember where they are stay in Banff, will ask them again :-)
  • LINDA – Your swollen sore knee worries me. That time I tripped & fell at Dau’s, I drove home OK. But over the next few weeks I became less & less mobile. I had to hobble to GP with walker, had injections in knee, until finally he ordered a MRI. That showed I had so much damage (bits of me caught between bones, severe bruising, etc) that I needed a knee replacement. Please don’t delay medical advice if it is not getting better. PS I cannot imagine how you cope with stairs.

    Today is bin day and OH announced he had done the bins. Great because last few weeks he has not remembered or has been in pain. Quite early the first truck came by, on our side of the street, to collect the Recycling. Alas, OH had dropped the newspapers, etc in the bin and forgotten to park it by the kerb. Ho hum, 2 weeks time, I shall double check.

  • Just a thought

    For people who don’t like what they do, Friday is the best day.
    For those who love what they do, Monday is the best day.
    For people who have found their passion, each day is the best. (Hrishikesh Kamat)

  • A grey start to the day here, but I'm cheerful as can see & feel that my knee is improving, slowly but surely. Thanks for the lecture, Annette!! :-)) I will take care.

    My poor OH is streaming - he often gets colds but thankfully I don't always catch them, too. We have a family gathering to attend on Sunday so it will be a shame if either of us is unable to go.

    The new w. machine is good, & has been working almost non stop, as we had a pile of laundry waiting, besides what we brought with us from our break in Wales. I promise not to mention laundry now for a while, LOL!!

    Heather, how good for your family to get to go to Canada, what great memories they will make.

    AQ - Like the quote!
  • ANNETTE - it is somewhere just outside Banff - log cabins etc....
  • Clare - So good to 'see' you, and also to hear you and Limpy have been back to Mull. I hope this trip was as magical as the first. Yes, I have stood watching birds near the Ulva Ferry. And - Sheila - I have walked a lot of the island in the pouring rain! Hope you managed to get up to the chapel. I still have a couple of prayer cards I picked up there some years ago.

    Oh how I long to get back to Mull ... I really must try to get there next year.

    Lindy - do take care of that knee. I would definitely get it looked at. I had to have most of the cartiledge removed from my left knee after I had damaged it many years earlier. I was roundly told by the consultant that had I had it checked sooner it would not have needed such radical treatment, and would have recovered more quickly.

    I'm now safely home again after my sojourn in Birmingham. The hotel was a bit of a disappointment, but the Conference was great. Very hard work - amazing how tired you get sitting and reading and listening for most of the day! Now I have to encourage my brain to process everything, and then put some of it into 'pending', some into 'action' - and hopefully some of it into 'delete'!
  • PAT O Glad you enjoyed the conference despite the hotel being a bit of a let down.
  • Lindy - I am glad your knee is improving. Keep pottering along!!! Sorry your OH has another cold. Hope you don’t get it. So glad the washer is a success.
    Pat - very pleased that the conference was good and useful. I remember going on conferences and courses. The “in” word in those days that you had to “cascade” the information to your colleagues. I know there is always a lot of work to do to get ready to do that. Good luck
    Heather - I love Banff. I have been there several times because my Canadian friends live in Calgary. My favourite spot there is Bow Falls. I love the turquoise colour of the water. (I have always been in the summer)
    I have been birdwatching today! Hooray. A friend and I went to Burton Mere Wetlands RSPB just for 3 hours. Sadly, the green sandpiper we had hoped to see didn’t show but we saw 31 species of bird and heard 4 others. Great white and little egret, marsh harrier, snipe, avocet and spotted redshank in full black breeding plumage were some of the highlights, but my favourite was at least 4 sets of tiny fluffy tufted duck ducklings. They were already diving. Really cute.

  • Anyone here like eagles?  Click on this one to see a few more:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.