Llyn Clywedog Ospreys June 2023 - March 2024


I thought we should have a new thread to record the development of the two chicks who hatched successfully at Clywedog this year. UPDATE. One of the chicks was killed in an attempted goshawk predation on 18 July 2023.

The introduction to the nest and happenings between March and June 2023 on this Thread©

5F Seren, the female who has been here since 2020, returned from migration on 25 March 2023. The unringed Dylan, the male since 2016, returmed two days later. Eggs were laid on 13 April, 16 April and 19 April. The first egg hatched on 20 May, and the second egg 2 days after that. The third egg has not hatched and will not do so now.

A highlight was the visit on 12 May from 496, the only chick which fledged from this nest in 2021.

Carnyx Wild provide video streams; the current stream is available here. The link to the feed changes every 12 hours. There should be 2 cameras, but one has not been streamed so far this season due to condensation in the lens; it is hoped this may be changed when the chicks are ringed.

Other links to the Facebook page and John Williams blog are on the introduction to the first thread above.

Grateful thanks to those who are gifted enough to record images and videos from this lovely, mainly tranquil, scene.

UPDATE This thread will be used to record updates on this nest and the Llyn Clywedog area before the start of the 2024 season.

All images are © Carnyx Wild and NRW.

  • There's an unringed Osprey on the perch, it doesn't look like Dylan but you know how bad I am at ID-ing.

    Dang cam went straight into a buffer as it landed,


    Yes it was Dylan - I ws put off by his gawky appearance on landing.  (The buffers only show up as skips at the start.)  He only went and brought another stick!

    G'night, SYAL !!!

  • 5F Seren gave 8B2 a trout at 10.58 and he was back and forth with it for the next hour, Dylan delivered a fish 12.11. 5F took the remains of her fish away at 12.35, and Dylan took his away at 12.42. By 12.52 both adults and their fish were back on the nest. 8B2 swallowed the end of a fish at 13.35 - just!
  • Wonderful close ups of Dylan. Thank you Scylla

  • Thank you for the fish reports, AG.

    As posted elsewhere, my internet went down at 02:15 last night - i have an awful feeling it's something Thames Water have done outside and won't be fixed easily.

  • scylla said:
    i have an awful feeling it's something Thames Water have done outside and won't be fixed easily.

    Needn't have worried, it was just the power supply had died - diagnosed in a jiffy but the man had to do a long list of checks just to follow procedure.

    27 July

    Half a fish!

    Then Dylan brought a faux fish Stuck out tongue winking eye

    8B2 flew in as Dylan was leaving, he had to leave again disappointed:

    Dylan was 5 minutes trying to sort this silly stick - he had to leave it be in the end.  Shame it arrived from the right side and was in the evening light, or it might have been clearer:

    No more fish Frowning2

  • 28 July

    By 09:00 we'd seen each of the family.

    Dylan brought in an insignificant stick and had another go at yesterday's mistake but couldn't shift it:

    A bit later the sun lit up the offending stick so we can see it properly (it's since been moved here and there by the breeze):

  • More sticks:

    Then Seren came and had a go at the sticky-up stick, couldn't budge it, she tried chewing bits off.

    Dylan brought another stick:

    And he had a go at the nuisance stick:

    Yet another stick was brought in and this time 8B2 followed it in, hoping for a fish, but the stick-bearer (I can't be sure which parent it was) fled... then another stick arrived, the bringer left, 8B2 left:

  • More sticks @ 14:00, 15:30...

    15:32 !!!

    16:26 - 8B2 came, only stayed a couple of minutes.

    17:02 - 8B2 followed this stick in but had to leave empty:

    As far as I can see, 8B2 didn't get fed until evening, when Seren brought a headless fish - and then I reckon he could have done with some help, I don't think he ate his fill.  Will he come for the fish skin dangling on the perch in the morning?

    Errors & Omissions Excepted !!!

  • 29 July

    FISH !!! !!! !!! ... per Dylan, behind rain smudges.


    It turns out that it's the fish that Seren left draped over the perch last night - Dylan collected it this morning and here it is:

    I obviously never got a proper sighting of that fish being delivered yesterday !!! but am not going to lose sleep over it.

  • .29 July

    8B2 perched on top of the cam for a while (a shortie):

    30 July

    FISH !!!  8B2 grabbed Dylan's foot (like they all-too-often do) but got the fish OK and Dylan flew off unscathed: