WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) Sunday, May 14 2023

Diane:  Well, I'm here.  Let's see if the site cooperates...

  • RUSTY - glad the phone is now fixed - fingers crossed!.. We used to have a lot of the yellow and orange Welsh poppies but haven't seen them for many years! Very cheerful flowers.
  • Rusty - Glad the BT mystery has now been solved. Hope you don't have any more problems.

    We have lots of those tiny poppies which set themselves. I've no idea why some are orange & some are yellow, either.

    I did more weeding this morning when I went into the garden to put out yet more laundry (where does all of it come from?) I only have to catch sight of a weed to be out there pulling them up - they've loved the rain we had. Did some housework & wondered how many times I've done the same actions in the same way - maybe one day, my ghostly figure will be glimpsed dusting or wiping down the loo, LOL !!
  • Rusty - Glad the BT mystery has now been solved. Hope you don't have any more problems.

    We have lots of those tiny poppies which set themselves. I've no idea why some are orange & some are yellow, either.

    I did more weeding this morning when I went into the garden to put out yet more laundry (where does all of it come from?) I only have to catch sight of a weed to be out there pulling them up - they've loved the rain we had. Did some housework & wondered how many times I've done the same actions in the same way - maybe one day, my ghostly figure will be glimpsed dusting or wiping down the loo, LOL !!
  • I made soup out of some turkey stock from the freezer: my OH has made stock after we ate the Christmas meals. It was delicious, I put all kinds of veg in it and there is enough for another lunch of it tomorrow.
  • Morning all: Site is painfully slow....can't access Rich Formatting without getting bumped off....

    OG: I love Lobelia. I have it as a sort of accidental companion plant to several Plumeria that I have in large pots. It's a perennial here.

    Lindybird: I was ruthless with stuff in our fridge and pantry last week - chucked out all kinds of old stuff and things we'd tried but didn't like and were just sitting. Did recycle the glass though.

    AQ: Glad you were able to detour your OH from the chives.

    Rusty: Amazing you actually got a live person at Complaints and that they actually followed through. Hope the fix sticks.

    May Gray settled in here, so cloudy damp mornings with clouds moving offshore around noon, just in time for lunch in the garden. I seem to be racing through books here, just finished Trailed by Kathryn Miles - cheery topic (not) about her efforts - with the help of the folks at the Innocence Project and others - to find the real culprit responsible for the murders of hikers but being stonewalled by various law enforcement individuals/agencies in spite of glaring missteps in the original investigation (not uncommon unfortunately).
  • RUSTY - so good that your phone has been fixed !
    I have quite a of of the Welsh poppies. Don't know how I got them but they are colourful and fill some gaps. Now I have to look at hostas being eaten by slugs and snails :-( I'm not keen on prowling around at night to pick them off...
  • AQ - my OH was a great gardener but even so, one time he mistook chives for grassy weeds !
  • Hi, all. I've just seen on one of the community pages that this website has some technical issues. People have been unable to start new threads, use rich formatting, etc. I'm sure the techy folks will get it resolved, but I didn't want anyone to think it's your personal system. Also, if they're unable to fix it immediately, we may need to simply continue this thread (rather than start a new one on Saturday night). I'm sure the techies are working on it.

    Hello to everyone. I'm busy doing some cleaning and organizing.
  • ALL: Mike, the long-time osprey watcher and poster on this website, has died. I know he will be greatly missed. My condolences to all of his friends and family.

    Fergus has started a thread dedicated to Mike on the community page.