WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) Sunday, May 14 2023

Diane:  Well, I'm here.  Let's see if the site cooperates...

  • Yay!

    Meanwhile, hope everyone has a good week. It's Mother's Day here, so hope any U.S. Moms looking in have a good day.
  • Mothers Day DownUnder. I wish all mothers a very happy day (wherever you live, Up or Down).

    Thanks ANNETTE

    OG – If the card has a big “1” on the front, mother of one-year-old will be pleased. And in answer to Question No 5 – Yes, we are LOL

    DIBNLIB – When not checked in, our avatar goes grey or blank or something. Not that I ever notice until too late.

    PAT – Aussieland was added to screaming contest when they celebrated some anniversary. Then there was a deal with our TV, SBS. I guess money comes into it. The deal ends this year and many (younger) Aussies are desperate that it continue.

  • Just a thought

    Mother (n). One person who does the work of twenty. For free. See also: Saint, Wonder Woman.

    Happy Mother’s Day to the person who knows me better than I know myself. But let’s be real, sometimes you still don’t know where I put my keys.

    Happy Mother’s Day to the woman who taught me that it’s okay to make mistakes. Unless those mistakes involve forgetting to call you on Mother’s Day.

  • HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to those in the US, and AUS!! Enjoy your day.

    Like your quotes, AQ!!

    Annette: Thanks for starting us off again.
  • Diane - Thanks for trying!

    OG -- I'd put a big balloon on the front of a card for a one year old. I think the last time I made one, I put an elephant on it - a sort of stuffed toy with flowers.

    Thanks for the explanation about why Aus are included in a European Song Contest! It's been a bit of a mystery. We watched the first 20 minutes of it last night, but gave up when they began screaming the songs. Then tuned in later, in time to see half of our own entry - not bad, & at least she could sing! The voting is always interminable, so we waited until this morning to see who had won. Definitely a young person's event!! Seems to be mainly a contest on who can dress the most outrageously, and scream the loudest!
  • The sun is coming out here, again. We hope to do more gardening, although we have already run out of room in our "green bin " & my OH may have to take the surplus to the Tip.

    Many of our tubs of plants have died over the winter - it was exceptionally cold some nights, and so it looks as if I've lost several miniature fuchsias and some others. Will have to dig them out and replant, perhaps with annuals which are expendable.
  • Dau & Co came for lunch – sausage rolls, savoury thingie from Bakers Delight & choc bics. Trio brought me more artwork for my mantlepiece. Their drawings are very good. S-i-l offered to do some pruning and I sent him to side where neighbour’s bamboos have grown so tall & wide they slap our roof. His cutting gadget gives beeps when turned on & off. He could hear the neighbours & their visitors commenting on the birdlife giving peep peep noises. ROFL.

    LINDA - Our green bin is now overflowing and won’t be collected until 26th. Yeay I can’t do any weeding.

    I have a relaxing evening ahead with book & chocs from Dau#2. Dau#1 sent a text.

  • Diane - thank you for trying!!! Hope the storm has now gone and has not left you with any issues.
    Annette - thank you for starting us off.
    AQ - it sounds as if you had a lovely Mother’s Day. How nice to get drawings. I think they mean so much. By the way, that sounds like my kind of lunch!!!!
    Lindy - you were brave watching a bit of the screaming contest. I didn’t. However, I couldn’t avoid it on the radio this morning. It was even on the Radio 4 “Sunday” programme which is supposed to be about religious topics!!! Good luck with your gardening. I lost a lovely fuschia in that cold spell last December. I was quite sad as it was a present from someone. I don’t have a green bin - I have a brown bin!!!!!!
    I am off to cut the grass shortly. It doesn’t seem like a week since I did it last. I plan a nice relaxing afternoon with a book.
    The saga with BT continues. My “fix” date has now been moved to today. That’s 2 moves already. I will give you the whole saga if and when it is fixed!
  • I know this is non osprey but I am sad about the situation which seems to be developing at Loch of the Lowes.
  • RUSTY - thanks for describing your trip!

    DIANE - good to see you eventually were allowed on!

    RE EUROVISION "SONG" CONTEST - well at least tis over for another year!

    LINDA - we too have lost some plants through the winter months - even incuding a couple of Hebes!

    AQ glad the family visit included garden help - and a big laugh about the "birdsong"!

    RUSTY - we don't have a garden waste bin - they did a survey and although folks wanted the facility, not enough were willing to pay extra for it!

    The three of us went to church together this morning - I don't know whay J decided to come with us instead of his own! Very small congregation as there is a bigger ecumenical Christian Aid service this evening. Morning service was introduced by one of our ederly ladies, and although it included a lot of CA provided material it fely like a real church service. Rain held off until a few drops as we arrived home. OH couldn't do lawn treatment this afternoon, so he was in the greenhouse planting up the troughs which hang on the back fence - African Marigolds again.