Diane: Well, I'm here. Let's see if the site cooperates...
I am here now. I have been to Chester to meet a friend. Lovely down by the river there. The BT phone saga has moved on slightly in that I am promised a visit from an engineer in the morning. This has come about because I rang Complaints. Miraculously someone answered the phone and I was able to speak to a person with a northern accent who told me she was in Warrington. (For those who don’t know Warrington - it is in Cheshire - maybe 40 miles from here ) and I felt comfortable because I have a northern accent too!!!!! Lindy - well done with all this gardening. It will look lovely I am sure. I am off to catch up with all the ospreys now.
At last, the Site is letting me post. My first poppy this year has opened.
Oh Lindy - how cheerful. I will go and look if my big poppy (I only have one) has a bud.
In the meantime, here are my Welsh poppies which are very cheerful just now. I have no idea why some come yellow and some orange!!
Glad Rosy has had her plaster off.
The BT man was here at 8.45!!! He did tests in the house, had to ring a colleague because he was baffled, and then went off to the exchange. An hour later he rang and his number appeared on my caller display. He said it was a small fault at the exchange and that it is now fixed. We will see.
I am doing housework today. My favourite thing - not!!!!