Continued from March/April 2023

Webcam page with links to LotL Visitor Centre and Wildlife Reserve FB, Twitter and Blogs >>>


For the latest 'live' YouTube link, visit >>> SWT YT Channel

The Osprey Protection Programme at Loch of the Lowes is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes


NC0 surprised us all when she arrived back at Lowes first, with Laddie making his initial landing exactly 6 hours later. She laid her three beautiful eggs after almost near-perfect, precise intervals of 72 hours between each one. Both Laddie and NC0 have regularly exchanged incubation duties and have been very attentive to protect their eggs, and nest, from multiple intrusions during April. The hatching window will open around the 10th May, all being well.

  Nest Updates

Arrival dates: NC0 - 17.3.23 (07:43)  Laddie - 17.3.23 (13:43)

Eggs laid: Egg #1 - 4.4.23 (09:32)  Egg #2 - 7.4.23 (09:39)  Egg #3 - 10.4.23 (09:10)

Hatch dates: Chick #1 - 13.5.23 (11:59 fully out of shell 12:11)  Chick #2 - 16.5.23 (04:19)  *Egg #1 - DNH*


Link to blogs and updates during March/April

May Blogs and Updates (published dates)

6.5.23 LotL blog >>> Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes – Week 7

8.5.23 SWT video >>> Time for a Wing Stretch and Pre-Hatching Egg Close Up

11.5.23 LotL blog >>> Who’s Been On My Nest? A Closer Look at the Threats and Intrusions Faced by a Pair of Breeding Ospreys

12.5.23 SWT video >>> Osprey Chick Communicates with the Outside World

13.5.23 LotL blog >>>Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes – Week 8

13.5.23 SWT video >>> First Osprey Chick of the Season Hatches

14.5.23 LotL blog >>> Concern over male osprey, LM12

15.5.23 SWT video >>> Fish Supper and First Feed for Osprey Chick

16.5.23 LotL blog >>> An update from the osprey nest

17.5.23 SWT video >>> Second osprey chick hatching 16 May 23

20.5.23 LotL blog >>> Osprey Diary at the Loch of the Lowes – Week 9

27.5.23 LotL blog >>> Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes – Week 10

  • There was a late evening fish from Laddie at 21:40 

    A quick glance and then he left

    NC0 turned the fish around to a better feeding position for her, tail end now facing the cam

    NC0 paused to look around, #1 showed aggression to #2

    NC0 began to feed #1, #2 in submission

    #2 bravely stood up to join in 

    But #1 turned and showed dominance again, forcing #2 to the other side of the nest

    #2 got up and cautiously headed over to be fed

    First piece of fish from this feed at 21:45

    Its fourth piece was a lovely chunk (in its beak)

    After having a few more pieces of fish, #1 didn't appreciated that its sibling was the focus for NC0...

    And lunged at #2, falling over in the process

    #2 submissive on the left side of the nest

    #1 back to being fed

    I lost count of how many pieces of fish #1 was fed before #2 eventually moved itself, from its submissive position, at 21:50

    Back to being fed

    #2 took these next pieces, moving slightly away from #1 - there was no threat at all made by #1

    Fish in its beak here

    After many bites eaten, #2 moved away for a moment as #1 changed its position (to do a PS)

    #2 was soon back to being fed once again

    #1 was given some more...

    But NC0 didn't forget #2, who had moved a away a bit - more pieces of fish were offered and accepted

    This continued, with #1 being offered an occasional bite, until NC0 swallowed the fish tail at 21:56

    Both chicks had good-sized crops

    NC0 called for more fish!


  • Laddie didn't return to the nest.

    NC0 resting her eyes at 22:55


  • 0600 and feed going on. 2 waits and gets well fed after 1 has finished.

    Richard B

  • Morning Richard and All,

    Many thanks Richard. Laddie delivered a great sized headless brown trout at 5:50

    Aggression was shown by #1

    #2 waited for around 10 minutes before getting its first piece of fish from this feed

    #2's crop at 6:14

    Feed over at 6:16. The remainder of the fish can be partially seen, just behind #1

    Laddie to the nest to collect the remaining fish at 6:31

    Scene at present, 7:31 - Laddie hasn't been back


  • At 14:13ish, the cam zoomed in on the chicks, NC0 was on a break at the time

    #1 looked above the cam chuntering - NC0 was above the nest keeping an eye on them

    NC0 flapped down to the nest - #1 was preening under its left wing here


  • Fish at 1500.
    No1 not allowing No 2 any at all.

    Richard B

  • 15:01 A tiny fish (I think, hard to see) from Laddie

    Once again, #1 showed aggression

    NC0 fed #2 a couple of pieces

    Just taken another piece here

    15:09 Warned off

    More aggression from #1 whereby #2 was 'moved' to the centre of the nest

    15:11 NC0 calling for more fish


  • Another fish from Laddie, a better size too, at 15:25

    #2 in submission

    Feed blocked!

    Scene at 15:32, still no chance to see what's going on


  • 15:50 From what I can tell, #2 has had snippets of fish and is, at present, about 5 minutes into a private feeding session

    Pics edited in: #2 was on the left side of the nest, taking the odd piece of fish from NC0

    #1 got involved and #2 ended up at the back of the nest in submission after this dominance

    #2 moved itself in front of NC0 for its private feeding

    #2's head peeking above NC0

    Edit: Feed over, fish all gone at 15:53


  • 16:02 Yet another fish from Laddie, and it's a corker!

    No aggression shown here towards #2, it just put its head down

    #2 finally up to receive fish from NC0 at 16:13

    16:16 #2 had moved itself away slightly. NC0 feeding #1

    Back to #2


    16:21 Cam zoomed in

    Will check again shortly...
