Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 23 April 2023


I hope everyone has a joyful week. Sending love and healing to OG and EE.

I had thought that the Cardinals had chicks, but they don't yet. I think the male was just feeding his mate. 

The neighbors' chickens were loose yesterday, and they visited my yard and laid eggs. I guess it was a belated Easter gift. Lol

Everyone here was busy covering their plants today. It's turning cold again, and we have a warning for heavy frost and maybe even light snow! We had a couple of hot days,  but we can't seem to settle into spring this year. It's predicted to stay chilly the rest of the month now.

Love to all.

  • Pat: Its always disconcerting to see how people don't allow for weather conditions when driving! Too fast in the mist & fog, too.

    Bjane: I love Angela Lansbury, too. Great actress.

    My phone alert went off a full minute early. Then 2 minutes later, I heard my OH's phone. He's on a different network to me so suppose that's the reason. We've been told that the most likely reason for needing it, is flood alerts in parts of the UK.

    Someone said online Why Do We Need alerts? I replied, nuclear attack, tsunami or else a possible visit here from Donald Trump, which caused much amusement!

  • Heather, take care of yourself {{HUGS}}

    Also, hope that OG & EE and J are coping with whatever is keeping them busy.
  • ANNETTE: On my Facebook page, I predicted a few weeks ago that Fox would fire Tucker Carlson. I've also predicted that the Republican big donors see Trump as a liability now, and he won't be allowed to run as the 2024 candidate. I believe he will take Ron DeSantis down with him. That's going to leave a looming void, and I think one of the "New Right" politicians (funded by the billionaire Peter Thiel) could emerge, taking the interior of the country by storm with a frightening ideology and agenda. I have a gut feeling that J. D. Vance will be the surprise candidate for 2024, with Tucker Carlson running as his vice president.
  • Diane: Well I clearly should have checked your Facebook page!  :-))   And Don Lemon also gone from CNN, for other reasons.   I read Vance's book "Hillbilly Elegy" and liked it, but him as a candidate?  Not so much.  (I see someone wrote a book-length rebuttal  self-published by the looks - called "J..D Vance is A Fake Hillybilly.")   Meanwhile, I too am wondering what's going to happen with DeSantis.  

  • It's certainly true that someone always appears promptly, to fill a void. :-(
  • Good Morning. Sunny here, but still chilly. My amaryllis is opening & has two trumpets at present, with another big bud coming. We've had it for years, so it's always a treat to see it suddenly appear.

    My OH has gone off to golf in the sunshine, but has a pain in his side where he pulled it doing too much at the allotment, and a sore arm where he had his booster jab at the weekend.

    I'm off to the town to get some of my photos printed, and find a birthday card for our Eldest - it's harder to buy for men nowadays. 

  • Morning all:

    Diane/bjane:  Northern lights visible at Mammoth Mountain and just north of Sacramento, both more or less on the same latitude in Central California.

  • Thank you Diane for starting us off again. It too seems to have gone chilly again here with a mild frost this morning. Hopefully it will warm up , we'll have to see.
    Reading through the pages, see you all have been doing things. Also that OG and EE are still recovering, do hope they feel better soon.
    Applied for a Disabled Pass a few weeks ago and have heard its been successful so one is on its way to me. It will make it easier for dau to park a little nearer to shops etc in future. I at present, use a stick, or walker, or in the case of the other Saturday a wheelchair for the rugby as I really can't walk that far at present due to the severe osteoarthritis in my right knee plus a heart condition and a history of falls due to my sleep apnea. Getting old, at least I am not as bad as some people. Just got to make that appointment with a doctor and get myself assessed and hopefully put on a waiting list for a replacement - probably forever LOL
  • Lindy - I hope your OH managed his golf and that you managed to find a suitable birthday card for your son. I agree that it is much harder to find suitable cards for men. Lovely amaryllis. They don’t just come out after Christmas then?

    Lynnette - I am glad you have got a disabled pass. It will definitely make things easier.

    It has been a lovely sunny day here. I went out to a nearby country park with my Flora and Fauna group. We had a very pleasant walk of nearly 3 miles. The botanists amongst us had great debates as to which kind of buttercup and other plants we were seeing (books were brought out of rucksacks and Google was consulted!) Lots of lovely spring flowers - violets, primroses, wild garlic, wood anemones. Some good birds too especially on the river where we saw Mandarin Ducks. The walk ended up underneath the famous Pontcysyllte aqueduct - a World Heritage Site. Canal boats were sailing across and people were walking along the towpath.

  • Rusty: The highest navigable canal in the world and the longest in the UK (though Wikipedia says 'in GB'! We learn something new every day (and a lot of it on this site). On the same sort of topic, did you ever read "The Map That Changed the World" by Simon Winchester?