Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 23 April 2023


I hope everyone has a joyful week. Sending love and healing to OG and EE.

I had thought that the Cardinals had chicks, but they don't yet. I think the male was just feeding his mate. 

The neighbors' chickens were loose yesterday, and they visited my yard and laid eggs. I guess it was a belated Easter gift. Lol

Everyone here was busy covering their plants today. It's turning cold again, and we have a warning for heavy frost and maybe even light snow! We had a couple of hot days,  but we can't seem to settle into spring this year. It's predicted to stay chilly the rest of the month now.

Love to all.

  • DIANE - Thanks again for our start. So it is Easter Chooks in your part of the world LOL Summer doesn’t want to give up here; we are expecting 25 C today, rising to 28 Tuesday. Very unusual. The saying goes “it always rains on Anzac Day”.

    LINDA - I rarely iron. I flatten most as I fold and that is good enough. Life’s too short, etc.

    ANNETTE & LINDA – As you were the main participants in your celebrations, I support your wishes to have your preferred level. One Sis went all out for telegrams from sovereign, politicians, etc for an important anniversary. I have warned Dau that I am not interested in such. In my view, having to request these things makes them meaningless.

    Darn. I slept through my weekly dose of Escape to the Country last eve. Goodness, more episodes of Midsomer Murder. Even Miss11 commented on the dwindling population in those villages.

  • Good Morning and Thank You once again to Diane for starting us off on more meanderings.

    Nice to have the bonus of free eggs, Diane! I see on FB that your area is having outages in power, so hope that you can keep online & keep your power going.

    AQ - I used to iron everything, including duvet covers, but then decided that as no one cares about it but me, I could manage if I only did clothes & pillowcases. We now buy a lot of things which dry creaselessly, which helps. Sorry its still hot there. The weather is haywire everywhere and our spring is definitely different now.
  • LINDA – This is not hot, just pleasantly warm in the sunshine. But we need rain, esp. the farmers.

    I have made Quiche Lorraine for our tea and a batch of mini ones (in my muffin tray) for the next visit of hungry Little People. I read an analysis of the famed coronation quiche. It was critical of lard rather than marg. Too many calories &  cheaper to buy ready-made pastry.

  • Sincerely trust you both recover very fast OG and EE.

    What a wonderful pressie Diane  - free organic eggs      Grin

    And much sympathy re the forecasted frosts   -  such a pesky pesky nuisance when plants  have finally got  going  for the year. Sending warm thoughts all over your garden

  • Diane - thank you for starting us off and for keeping us up to date with your cardinals. I saw a Robin feeding its mate at RSPB Conwy the other week. It’s rather nice isn’t it? Glad you got free eggs. A nice present. I bet you hope they get out again!!! My niece keeps chickens and only lives 5 miles away so I get free eggs too!!! I don’t go through that many of them though because I don’t bake. Making mini quiches sounds like a good idea AQ.
    Also AQ - my Canadian friends watch Escape to the Country too. Must be very popular. Maybe a bit nostalgic as my friends are originally from Manchester.
    Re ironing - I have just done a few necessary bits but never have much fortunately.
    Dibnlib - my sister has just texted to say they have had coffee this morning in Pitlochry!!! I immediately thought of you. You said you were going. It was a bit drizzly she said.
    Heather - my sis and b in l will be passing though Inverness later. They have B&B booked in Tain for tonight.
    Annette - my efforts at “domestics” yesterday finished me off and I am doing very little today!!! However, next time I am in California (!!!!!) I will let you know and you can start making a “to do” list!!!!!
    Cirrus - I too keep thinking about OG, EE and J. I do hope they are OK. OG if you are reading but not posting, I am sending best wishes and healing thoughts.
  • RUSTY We are going down to Pitlochry on Tuesday and return home on Thursday. It is only about 85 miles from here and we may walk at Loch an Eilein on the way and will definitely stop for a browse at House of Bruar. The start and finish of the NC500 is not far from us. I hope your sister and brother in law enjoy themselves. They will see some stunning scenery.
  • I forgot to say, Happy St Georges Day today!

    We don't seem to make much fuss about it. 

  • I was just on here, deciding to change my avatar from a daffodil to something else, when the announced Alert came on! A loud buzz followed by a notice saying that it was just a test. Ugh. Glad that's over, I had been waiting for it, goodness knows what its like if you are driving in your car and you're startled!
  • Morning all - and big thanks to Diane.   AZ contingent had chickens and lovely eggs up until about a year ago (neighbor took the chickens but granddaughter and Ms. D still get some eggs).

    Lindybird:  Was on WhatsApp with UK niece when her phone buzzed with that alert.  I've signed up for them here, mostly for the Vegetation Fire alerts.....

    Meanwhile, went into garden this morning and one of the gopher traps (complete with residual gopher) has disappeared completely!!!  Trap and all!  Who?  What?  How?  Something large and powerful.....     

    Daughter and I off somewhere this morning.....haven't decided where yet.   

  • Lindy - I had asked several people earlier in the week whether the alarm would sound if a phone was switched off. Just realised - it didn't!! And yes, quite dangerous, I would think, if it had gone off while driving. Particularly in the awful weather we have had here today - I had to use the motorway this morning in torrential rail. People were flashing past me as though I was standing still, and the spray was terribly dangerous. I got to my destination, around 22 miles away, safely but my nerves were shredded!