Link to August 2022

With last year’s male LJ2 arriving on the 6th of April and partner LM6 the 10th of April, I thought I would start a thread now for the new season in case they return earlier after a successful breeding season last year. The nest and surrounding area has recently been prepared by Welsh Water for our pair’s arrival.

Background to the nest:-

Many thanks to AG  who wrote this preface to the Llyn Brenig thread for us below.  (I’ve just edited extra information)

Llyn Brenig is a reservoir on the border between Denbighshire and County Conwy in North Wales. It is managed by Welsh Water;  the osprey project is a partnership between them and North Wales Wildlife Trust.

One pair of ospreys (Blue HR7 (M) 2014  Lake Menteith, Scotland and Blue 24 (F) 2010 nr Rutland)  raised a single chick here each year from 2018-2020,  Z9 (F) Luned, KA5 (M) Roli and KC5 (F) respectively. Sadly, KC5 died after fledging, colliding with a wind turbine.

Neither of this breeding pair returned in 2021, when the nest was taken over by 2 Scottish birds, LJ2 (male) and LM6 (female), both 2018 chicks. The nest was vandalised the night after LM6 had laid her first egg; while the two could not continue to breed they did stay close to the site until normal migration time.

A new nest was erected in 2022 with additional security and a streaming camera in place. A new hide was also built.

LJ2 and LM6 returned and successfully fledged 2 chicks, X6 Olwen (F) and KA9 Gelert (M) 

LM6 lost her blue darvic ring on the nest. It was recently recovered by Welsh Water and kept for display in the exhibition later this year. 

Links to

North Wales Wildlife Trust Page https://www.northwaleswildlifetrust.org.uk/days-out/ospreys-llyn-brenig

Welsh Water Page https://llynbrenig.com/llyn-brenig-osprey/

Osprey Project Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/brenigospreyproject

Friends of Llyn Brenig Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/FriendsofLlynBrenigBlue24

Llyn Brenig YouTube Channel for Live Stream https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8_OrcBilBcFmDQ

All captures and videos ©️ NWWT, Welsh Water, Brenig Osprey Project

  • LJ2 and LM6 have been establishing their bond.

    They were both seen arriving on the horizontal branch across from the nest and have mated. Soon after that they returned to the nest and have been adding some soft material.

    LJ2 and LM6 on the nearby tree

    They both left about 12.30 and returned about 13.45 when LM6 starts cupping the nest.

    LM6 cupping the nest

  • Aw thank you Janni and everyone, this is fantastic news. Welcome home LM6. Heart️ I’m so chuffed to see this pair reunited again, they did so well together last year after a shaky start, as you would expect for first time parents! Two hearts

    Hopefully our unringed female finds a nest and available mate elsewhere. Fingers crossed

  • North Wales Wildlife Trust posted this on their Facebook page this morning.


  • There were 2 ospreys on the nest early this morning. The cam was still on night mode which makes identifying them really difficult. The first arrival was at 05.34. The bird flew to the nest then onto the perch which LM6 favoured a lot last year so I thought it was her. I could see the BTO ring on the right leg but didn’t have much vision of the left leg. When the second Osprey landed on the nest at 05.56, the first flew off the perch back to the nest, briefly hovering over the second bird before going to the nest edge to assume a mantling position which made me think it was LJ2.

    I couldn’t see any rings on the second bird so I’m assuming it was Unringed female from yesterday. The first bird then flew away and LJ2 came to the nest at 06.11, straight into mating (unsuccessful I’d say). When the daylight cam came on, it was LJ2 and unringed female.

    I’m still searching to find out when LM6 arrived. I wish the North Wales Wildlife Trust had put a time on their post!
  • First bird arrives on nest at 05.34. BTO ring visible.

    Bird then flies to perch. Second bird arrives at 05.56

    First bird flies to nest and hovers over second bird.

    Then mantles at side of nest.

    First bird flies off and about 10 minutes later, LJ2 comes into mate.

    LJ2 moves to the front of the nest, his darvic ring clearly visible.

    Daylight cam comes on and I don’t see any rings on the female.

  • Good investigation work, Glider :)
  • I’m still on it Sandra! Smile

    Think I’ve got to the bottom of it now!

    06.30 Unringed female on nest fish calling. 

    LJ2 flies in with nest furnishings. He then tries to mate, again unsuccessfully.

  • 06.50 Unringed female had left the nest.

    A bird is seen flying in from the top right in the distance. Another gives chase straight away from close to the nest.

    The closer bird gets to the nest first as the other swoops in and chases her off. 

    Welcome home LM6 Heart eyes

    LM6 goes straight into intruder mantling and chipping mode on the nest.

    as unringed female can be seen flying over the water. 

  • However, Unringed female thinks this is her nest to defend and flies straight back to chase LM6.

    Who flies to the perch. 

    Unringed female intruder calling. LM6 mantling.

  • LM6 stayed mantling then started chipping

    Both birds moved to get up and LM6 flew off

    Unringed female stayed on the nest chipping, watching LM6 fly over the water.

    A couple of minutes later, unringed female got agitated and started chipping. 

    She then flew off over the felled trees.