Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 8 January 2023


I hope everyone has a healthy, happy week!

Right now, I am on my enclosed porch, and a big Barred Owl is raising a ruckus. It sounds like a large ape! He or she is claiming its nesting territory very early this year. The Red-Tailed Hawks won't be happy.

  • AQ - I couldn’t cope with that heat. No wonder you have to get things done early. I enjoyed reading about the cockatoos. Many years ago, the young lad next door used to send his football over the fence. His dad made him knock and ask if he could get it back (I usually threw it back if I found it) Eventually I got fed up of him knocking and asking, so I told him he could just come and get it in future. He is now studying for a Masters Degree in Maths at Uni. It makes me feel old!!!
    I have a quiet day at home scheduled with a cooking and freezing session planned now that I have defrosted the freezer!!!
  • Rusty you sound as busy as ever. I was interested in your descriptions of hearing problems: for years, my father had to have his ears syringed due to wax build up, and the effect of the treatment was noticeable. I hope you can find the best sort of hearing aid, to suit you. It sounds as if everyone is different when it comes to hearing loss and with the help and aids offered.

  • RUSTY – We stay indoors as much as possible, avoid walking in the heat & carry water bottle when we have to go out.

    Yesterday reached 40 C before the cool change arrived mid-pm with a gusty wind. That made fighting 2 bushfires in Adelaide Hills difficult. One was in a conservation park, rugged terrain, steep gullies, not far from Dau#1. Her home in no danger but it would be too close for my comfort! We are visiting them this arvo. Much cooler this morn, 17 C early.

  • Sounds too close for comfort to me, too, AQ Glad it's cooler today & hope it lasts.

    Have had difficult, online chats about various family events coming up, including the upcoming funeral arrangements - my head is not good due to my head cold & I'd rather just go to bed & discuss nothing for a week! I said to Sue that I expect everything will go well in the end, whatever <sigh>
  • Sounds too close for comfort to me, too, AQ Glad it's cooler today & hope it lasts.

    Have had difficult, online chats about various family events coming up, including the upcoming funeral arrangements - my head is not good due to my head cold & I'd rather just go to bed & discuss nothing for a week! I said to Sue that I expect everything will go well in the end, whatever <sigh>