I hope everyone has a healthy, happy week!
Right now, I am on my enclosed porch, and a big Barred Owl is raising a ruckus. It sounds like a large ape! He or she is claiming its nesting territory very early this year. The Red-Tailed Hawks won't be happy.
DIANE _ Thank you for starting us with a new week and big Thank You for news of OG.
OG – Dear Friend I hope you are coping with the situation and will be back soon. You are missed.
LINDA – LOL. (I can’t wait for the next episode.)
Unusual for you to have a quiet day, Rusty! LOL! Enjoy. I cut up some polystyrene packaging from the decorations, so that I can divide up some small gifts (musical boxes type - some are for the g'children & one's going in the charity bag) It now resembles Christmas again in the kitchen, as it turned into thousands of tiny white bits. The hoover will need to be deployed before it spreads magically to the rest of the house - it seems to cling to your clothes by static!
EDIT - Just realised that my avatar was still seasonal- have changed it to a recent pic of my granddaughter Rosie.
Good morning all from Suffolk and glad to have an update from Diane on OG and family.
Well I finally made it to Son and family in SE London with their Cristmas goodies. As you know they both had covid over the Christmas period.
However when I got there my Son had a really sore throat and could not eat or drink comfortably. He slept fitfully on Saturday night and was in a lot of pain and on getting up his face and neck were swollen. He drove himself to a walk-in clinic and after a short wait they referred him to hospital. He was triaged and seen by a doctor who admitted him as he had an abcess on his tonsil. So he is having IV Antibiotics, Steroids and water and has to have it drained. He said he has been treated by some lovely caring people and was amazed how quickly they started treating him and is already feeling a lot better. Thank You our wonderful NHS.
Well its 2nd week of January and I can't wait for lighter nights and Spring.
Keep well all and good luck to OG and Family.