Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 8 January 2023


I hope everyone has a healthy, happy week!

Right now, I am on my enclosed porch, and a big Barred Owl is raising a ruckus. It sounds like a large ape! He or she is claiming its nesting territory very early this year. The Red-Tailed Hawks won't be happy.

  • I didn’t come on yesterday as it was a busy day. I have a lot to catch up on now!
    OG - glad you are plodding on. Best thing. Also glad J has a regular job that he is enjoying. That will make you feel somewhat better too I imagine.
    Annette - glad your niece got home safely. I always thing that the hanging around in the air airport prior to the flight what with security etc is such a drag. Once the flight gets going, you at least know you are on your way.
    Lynnette - nice to see you.
    Lindy - it was wild and windy here too last night.
    So, I had an interesting day yesterday. I went birding in the morning with my usual Thursday group of ladies. Our star birds were great long close ups of dipper, goldcrest and tree creeper. I didn’t go to the cafe with them for lunch as I had to get home and changed ready for an audiology appointment. I have had one NHS hearing aid for 10 years - serviced etc - but, after various missed things - cuckoo last summer - not being able to hear the King’s speech on my sister’s TV - comments from a friend that I was saying “pardon” a lot, I decided to go to a private hearing clinic. The NHS just kept telling me they could service my old one. So, my appointment was amazing. Ear wax removed, full hearing test and I came away trialling a pair of modern aids. What a difference!!! I can hear clothes rustling and I could hear all the rattles and bangs in my old car as I drove along!!! I go back in a week when I will trial a different pair (different price rages of course) and in a few weeks time will make a decision.
    Back down to earth today with supermarket shopping!!!
  • RUSTY - my OH got fed up with the best available NHS hearing aids, like you. He got private ones, fantastic. Yes, expensive but well worth it. I'm thinking that my hearing needs a check

  • Oh, look what I have just found whilst out feeding the birds!!!

  • Rusty - I saw my first snowdrops yesterday. According to our family tradition, they shouldn't really appear until my sister's birthday on 02 February ... but climate change has brought them forward. Every time I see them I smile and remember her.
  • I'm in London and can't find any snowdrops yet. Found one yellow aconite today, and lots of hellebores. Lesser celandines have just begun to flower.
  • RUSTY – Glad these hearing aids are better but car rattles are unwelcome.

    Day 8 of our heatwave (daily max over 30 C), expecting 38 C today with a “cool” change tonight dropping temp to a mere 29. OH is out in the heat early, watering the crisping lawn. I have the washing on. It should be dry before I finish pegging.

    Young lad living in “Grand Design” was lobbing his balls over our fence rather too often. One day there were 4, ranging from tennis to soccer. I decided not to return them promptly and since then there have been less. This morn I found a beach ball tucked under the sheets covering my tomatoes. I have no idea how long it has been there. I tossed it back. No ripe tomatoes.

  • Washing put away. It's already 38 C & 13% humidity at 11 am.

    Some cockatoo news.

  • AQ - great story and pics of the cockatoos. Just as well that I checked before posting - it said that I'd enjoyed the ' cocktails' !
  • Good Morning. How hot that sounds, AQ! I'm sitting here seeing our forecast for the weekend, which includes zero degrees for Sunday night!

    Love the cockatoos. (Not mad on cocktails, though LOL!)