Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 4 December 2022


The full moon is the night of 7 December, Wednesday, in UK and US.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  • dibnlib said:
    I wonder if this is Morrisons policy or just your local.

    I don't know but I suspect it's all of them.  Apparently workplace temperatures aren't quite enforced by law which, as far as I'm concerned, is also shocking.  Morrisons is lucky I buy anything in there at all - their prices have gone up so much, more than anyone else's.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Lindy - strangely enough here in my part of North Wales we have a hard frost but no snow! I love your atmospheric photos.
    Annette - I am glad you enjoy my descriptions of my outings. I am very lucky to be able to go on them and to have such lovely places around me. Good luck with the family visit especially the dog.
    Clare - I like Morrisons stores (I go rarely as we don’t have one near here). Haven’t they recently been taken over? Maybe that is why the prices have gone up. Maybe that is also why they have not got the heating on.
    I am going to clean the house today. Then I will feel I can put the decorations up.
    Oh!!!!!!! I take that back about it not snowing! It now is. And quite heavily too!!!!
  • Rusty: I meant to say, I loved your photos, too. I've been busy & dashing around, with not much time to come on here & post. I also like your good descriptions of your outings.

    Well, it's been snowing on & off all day. We went together to do a food shop (maybe my OH was worried about my driving on ungritted roads!!) He kindly helped an elderly lady who had got out of her car but was plainly terrified of falling over in the snowy car park.

    Now it all looks like a Christmas card and the forecast is for freezing, which is not good news when there's still that much snow on the ground. :-(

    Sue made me laugh, as she messaged me to say that she woke in the night & thought the house was on fire! Then she realised that she had put up her Christmas tree but forgotten to switch the lights off!!
  • We go to Morrisons when in Caernarfon, but don't have a local one -- they have a good range of choices and a wonderful bakery. I too, am shocked that the shops are cold now- also shocked to hear that the staff can't get their unions to complain about working conditions.

    Speaking of bakeries, a famous local bakery near here has had to close as some idiot backed his truck into the building and damaged the electricity supply, also the building is now unstable and so they have been forced to close until it can be declared safe -- they're heartbroken and they are losing all of the busy seasonal trade.
  • Beautiful photos, Lindy. Stay warm.

    I enjoyed your pics and descriptions, too, RUSTY.

  • Hello everyone, Not been on for a few days but have just been skimming through 8 pages already and its only Monday.
    Reading about Morrisons, we have two local ones but very rarely shop there as I now shop online from them, have been doing for a few years now. Have noticed that prices have gone up a lot so am trying to curb spending now there are only two of us although I do find its difficult at times. Tend to book 2 or 3 weeks ahead and then refine the orders nearer the time. Making sure I get a time slot in.
    All CP's are bought, just have to be wrapped although I am trying something new this year. An online shop was selling packs of 20 assorted Christmas/ Star bags to put preses in saving on paper and they can be reused. All cards written and posted as we did have a promise of snow which hasn't really materialized, just a thin coating but there have been some hard frosts.
    Thanks for all your news. - seems a crazy move to turn off heating, can only assume they are trying to save on costs but it isn't best practice for those working there I'm sure.
    Lindybird, that's terrible for the local bakery. Do hope they don't incur too big a loss and hopefully insurance from the lorry driver will pay for the damage.