Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 4 December 2022


The full moon is the night of 7 December, Wednesday, in UK and US.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  • When the optician looks young enough to be still at school ....! Very pleasant young man, but seems very capable - not sure whether previous has actually retired or just cut his hours. Eye health and sight both passed all tests, so will see me again after two years this time.

    Had a big surprise last evening - Daughter #1 phoned; she found she had nothing better to do! No mention of a christmas visit, so we said nought - just told her how much we had appreciated her sister calling in to see us recently!

    J was still busy with his computer installation, and we two wrapped the pressies for the three weans - clothes this year.

    Weather unchanged.
  • Good afternoon, all. Just got back from shopping - to our unpleasant surprise our local Morrison's has stopped heating its stores. It felt like walking into a fridge, and one of the checkout staff we spoke to admitted to using a hot water bottle while she was sat there! Just unbelievable.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare --- Found myself looking for a "opens mouth in surprise" emoji!!!
  • Love the expression "House of Whinger" !!!!
  • Clare: No heat is awful for customers and truly abusive to workers. Shame on that corporation.
  • Rusty:  I always feel like I've been out with you on these outings.  :-))  I remember the sound of walking on frosty grass.  Each season has its own special sounds and sights.  Not quite so distinctive in this part of California however.

    Clare:  That's awful about Morrison's; hope they're donating part of their heating cost savings to the staff (yeah, right).  I know my own family in the UK is facing "to heat or not to heat" dilemma due to huge increase in costs.

    OG: Another 12-year-old professional eh?  We have the same syndrome here.  :-)

    Daughter, great-gd and Pearl (daughter's dog) arriving before the crack of dawn tomorrow for lightning visit.  Dog is staying with daughter this time.  If things don't 'settle' after this trip, she'll go back to AZ after Xmas when kids come here again.  Granddaughter and  I still don't think a dog that's used to running around on two acres needs to live in an apartment with a tiny garden, but daughter is determined to make it work.  I think she needs a much smaller dog that's outgrown its energy, but she's never been good at listening.  :-)

    Have a good day all.  

  • CLARE That is shocking. We have a Morrisons on the outskirts of Inverness where we park when going into town though rarely shop there, except maybe to buy a paper. I wonder if this is Morrisons policy or just your local.. Every one should boycott if possible. That is just not fair to staff or customers. I thought places like the big stores were obliged by law to heat their premises to a certain temperature for the health of their staff. I am appalled beyond measure.
  • Good Morning. Awoke to a blanket of snow!! After yesterdays dramatic deep frost, it was a surprise. We don't get much snow here on the Cheshire plains, as its called - most weather passes us by.

  • View from our bedroom window just now.

  • Latest view!  The snow is still falling so we're all but snowed in, as the roads near us have not been gritted yet.