Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 November 2022


I hope everyone has a safe, peaceful, joyful week.

I saw 3 little Winter Wrens outside my porch window this week. Also, I hiked up to my small town for some groceries, and I startled 3 White-Tailed Deer as I crossed the bridge over the creek. They were getting a drink, and they made a loud racket as they crashed through the dry brush. I was glad to see that they were quite plump and healthy to face the long winter.

  • Good morning all.

    Rusty:  Big rant on our neighborhood website about deliveries that aren't being delivered, even when they're scheduled or - in some cases - shown as already delivered.  Hope I'm not tempting fate by saying our stuff has been arriving earlier than originally scheduled.   Our wrens like to dig about under the shrubs too, fun to watch from the kitchen window over the sink.

    OG:  Good Lord. Didn't Gretna know they didn't have the funds before they offered the 5 days?  How very frustrating!

  • Hello!! Been reading but been too busy to write! Sorry about Js disappointment, OG.

    We love wrens and actually have one who visits us (I presume its always the same one!) It never appears around the time of Big Garden Bird Count, though!!
  • Sitting at computer having been sorting Ch card labels together - mail merge has changed, but we got it sorted by accident!

    Loved the quotes about our silly language!
  • Lindybird: We must just be grateful that it's our native language. :-)
  • Annette, Ha ha!!

    I'm writing Christmas cards and feeling virtuous...

    My OH is glued to the football, although thankfully he is not watching every single match, only the main ones. My children are actually getting down to swapping ideas for Christmas presents for us & each other.

    Yesterday, I broke a bit off one of my front teeth (again!!) so it's a call to the dentist in the morning <sigh> My OH accompanied me to the shops as I had a parcel to collect, and he helped me to put my groceries in the car, too. When we got home he announced that he couldn't find his mobile phone. We rang its number but no sound came from anywhere. After frantic searching of both house & car, he decided to retrace his steps & return to the car park we'd been in. (Thankfully only 10 minutes away in the car). Very grateful to find that he'd dropped it in the car park and someone had handed it into the supermarket!! It's not just the value, is it, its the inconvenience.

    I'll write a thank you in the local paper as the person didn't leave their name 

  • Good Morning. I wrote a notice of Thank You re the above on our local social media, and over 60 people gave it the thumbs up! I'll write to the local paper later on today.

    Up and about early today, as off to Bents Garden Centre in Lancashire a few miles from here. They have the most beautiful & enormous Christmas displays. We're taking Sue with us and all planning on a brief lunch whilst there.

    Have a good week All!!
  • I was expecting two parcels today - the driver must have started early as the doorbell rang shortly
    after 7am! Just as well I was awake. I've had the usual wakeful nights - last night listening to an account of dissection of a cheetah. It was very graphic but I stuck it out. The night before I was awake for five hours after 'first sleep ' and heard a short discussion regarding the evidence that spiders may dream, as humans do, because they also have rapid eye movements, Found myself wondering if I was utterly mad and confused - was the date 1st April and not 27 th November ?
  • Heather - I heard that programme about the dissection of a cheetah. Weird what you listen to in the middle of the night isn’t it!
    Oh how I wish my errant parcel had turned up at 7. (Glad your 2 came) No sign on the tracking of mine being on its way. I don’t hold out much hope for a delivery today.
    Lindy - enjoy your trip to the garden centre. How annoying about your tooth though. Glad your OH found his phone.
    OG - glad you got your Christmas labels sorted out.
  • Oooo!!!! My parcel has showed up on the tracker app. It says it should be here between 11.30 and 1.30! Watch this space!!!!!