Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 16 October 2022


I hope everyone has a great week. Sending all of you good wishes who have flu or covid (or have family who've tested positive). Take care all!

  • ANNETTE – The floods have been severe in NSW, VIC & northern TAS. Many of those rivers flow into the Murray but our state will not see high levels until next month. Curious that reporters don’t say “there will be flooding” or “severe weather”, instead they refer to a “flood event” or a “weather event”. I think of an “event” as a concert, show or suchlike!

    DIANE – Safe journey home.

    CLARE – That’s just rotten that you are all unwell. {{{HUGS}}}

  • Just a thought

    TV is a device that permits people with nothing to do to watch people who can’t do anything. (Fred Allen)

    Television is the menace that everyone loves to hate but can't seem to live without. (Paddy Chayefsky)

  • All these weather “events” are very worrying aren’t they? I watched the last episode of Frozen Planet 2 last night. It was very gloomy re the effects of climate change. David Attenborough as usual was excellent AQ - I have seen and read about the floods “down under” I do hope,they don’t reach you.
    I am still testing very positive for covid! If I have indeed had it since the 6th, that is a long time! I have blocked sinuses and horrid mouth ulcers! Yuk. Nonetheless, I will do as I did yesterday - small jobs in the house and garden this morning and reading in the afternoon. Resting up on the NHS website, it says I am unlikely to be infectious now but I feel very reluctant to go anywhere other than a local walk where I can avoid people. I am still concerned about all those people I came into contact with before I knew I had it. Clare - I hope you are not feeling too bad and that the others are not feeling any worse.
    I imagine Lindy and OH must be on holiday now. Hope it is lovely and warm and relaxing.
  • rusty2 said:
    Clare - I hope you are not feeling too bad and that the others are not feeling any worse.

    I'm feeling as I did yesterday - my head full of cold and a bit on the warm side.  Limpy is feeling a little better (YAY) but Helen isn't.  They're setting her up to work from home so I've got to drive her there to pick up a load of equipment.  Thankfully it's not far!

    rusty2 said:
    I am still testing very positive for covid! If I have indeed had it since the 6th, that is a long time! I have blocked sinuses and horrid mouth ulcers!

    So sorry it's continuing, Rusty.  Fingers crossed it's not for much longer.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • We have arrived in one piece in Lanzarote, although yesterday was a horrible journey which I wouldn't like to repeat. Totally exhausted when we reached here, having got up from our beds at 2.00am to reach the airport in plenty of time, and then finally reaching our room at 2.45pm  -- only 4 & a half hours of that actually on a plane.

    Our room is huge and well appointed- you could hold a party for 6 in the walk in shower! My OH awoke in the night and adjusted his pillow, thereby knocking a glass off the side table & causing worrying broken glass. Ugh. 

    Just taken a walk along the front and had a cool drink in a seafront cafe. Hoping for more shut-eye after lunch to restore me to normality. I have a stiff wrist from trying to push a suitcase on wheels over rough paths, and my OH has a stiff neck from his pillow, which he hates! Otherwise we are fine.

  • Massive plants & banana trees growing inside the hotel....

  • Rusty, you are taking a time of it with your brush with the virus. Hope you can rejoin the human race soon.

    Clare, sorry poor Helen has had a rough time, but pleased to hear that Limpy is relatively OK! Take care of yourself, too.

    AQ - We heard about the floods, dreadful. Agree that there seem to be new uses of the word "event" - as you say, it means something else entirely in my head!

    Safe journey for Diane as she heads home.
  • Lindy - I agree, travelling these days is very tiring. I guess security at Manchester Airport!!!!!????? Glad you are there and that you can now start to relax. Short strolls are just the ticket.

    I suppose things could be much worse here. I just have the blocked sinuses and the mouth ulcers and feel unusually tired when I try to do something. The ironing and 30 minutes in the garden this morning have been enough I can tell you.

    So, given all that and the farcical political situation, shall we return to Portugal?

    Last time I posted a photo we were in Sintra. We moved on from there to the Atlantic coast and the most western point on the European mainland.

    The paths from the car park to the coast were in between an amazing succulent plant - low growing and absolutely covering all the ground. My Seek App told me it was Sea Fig.

  • We then drove to Cascais a very popular holiday resort. We went past the mansion Christiano Ronaldo is building. It is in a beautiful spot on the coast but is not to my taste!!! We had a little walk along the front after our lunch.

    No blue sky as you can see. It was the only day it drizzled a bit. It wasn’t cold though. 

  • Morning all:

    AQ;  We also have weather "events."  formerly called storms, high winds, etc..    We had a weather person refer once to a "precipitation situation" (translation "rain").   I think our local station gets the newbies straight out of the local college's media class.  They are understandably ill at ease in front of the camera, at least for a while, but they all enunciate in the most unnatural and stilted way.  We do, thank heaven, have a weekend guy who teaches science at a local school during the week who speaks normally and manages to educate viewers too.

    Rusty:  Hate mouth ulcers, so hard to eat and I  tend to bite them, which is excruciating.   :-(   And yes, all these 'events' are supposed to be 'one-in-100/500' years, so why are they happening so often?     Those succulents you saw by the beach are very common here.

    Clare:  Hopefully Helen will be better in a few days; good that Limpy is on the mend. Meanwhile, take care of yourself.

    Lindybird:  Oooh, that's a long travel day - almost as long as a travel day from UK to California. Where did you fly from? Rest up, enjoy the sunshine and admire those lovely flowers.  I found that pulling a wheeled suitcase works better than pushing.  I'm hopeless at walking briskly (as some do) with one at my side.  Of course, maybe I just have a cheap suitcase with bad wheels.

    Just off Facetime with UK niece; we were both watching Penny Mordaunt excusing Liz's absence at question time when lo and behold!  she turned up.   Yesterday, was sweeping up olives from our allegedly non-fruit-bearing olive trees and heard a voice asking "So what do you think of your new Prime Minister?"  Big eye rolls all round (neighbors' daughter is currently living in Manchester); we agreed it's easier to watch fiasco's in other countries than what's going on here...

    Take care all.