Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 9 October 2022


The moon turns full on Sunday.

Everyone have a safe, wonderful week! I'm off to the big city.

  • Good morning all - Sorry to hear about the dreaded Covid striking again.

    Last evening, I along with 5 friends went to our usual pub quiz and this morning one of them (that I was sitting next to!) messaged us to say she had tested positive. She had been away with a group of friends on holiday and they all tested before they left and once home but now its positive.

    I am due at my Sisters this weekend and will test tomorrow am before I set off. Also my Brother and his wife - both in their 80s, who live in North Yorkshire, have had it and are still testing positive after 9 days!  both with bad chests. So it really is on the rise again. I'm due my over 65 booster on 22nd along with my Flu jab.

    Keep well all

  • Yes, Harelady, it is certainly about. Fortunately, all I have is a bad cold. A friend has just called with some shopping for me. I am very lucky to have had several offers of shopping help. I am going to do paperwork this morning and gardening this afternoon. I have sent an e consult to my GP hoping to find out if the efficacy of the 2 jabs I had last Saturday will have been affected by the fact that I unknowingly had covid when I got them. I am promised a reply by Monday.
    Lindy - it’s exciting now that your holiday is fast approaching. It will be lovely to get some warmth.
    Clare - I am so sorry to hear that Helen has covid. It must be very worrying for you especially with Limpy in the same house. Fingers crossed that you and he will be OK.
    Watch this space - I may start my Portuguese travelogue later today!!!!!
  • Clare Bailey said:
    She's not feeling good at all. She spent half of yesterday morning throwing up, her temperature skyrocketed and then the coughing and sore throat started. I really hope she improves soon - it's awful seeing her in this state.

    Oh dear, Clare - so sorry to hear that Helen is one of the unlucky ones. At least she has you by her side to make sure she weathers the storm. Keep safe, all of you.

  • I think Limpy is also coming down with it. He's now tucking in to a freshly bought Scotch egg and apparently the taste is different ........ eek.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Now that’s interesting Clare. I haven’t lost my sense of taste at all. I really hope Limpy doesn’t get it. I have had it for over a week now. I think the cough bit is getting slightly worse!!!
  • Clare:  Do hope Helen is okay - has she tested for it?  Any chance Limpy is just imagining a change in taste due to concerns about Helen?   I know Australia has experienced a bad flu season and we're getting lots of warnings that it's going to be more severe than in normal years, perhaps because we weren't mingling for two years and when we did, we took precautions.   Re Covid symptoms, my daughter - hospitalized for two months with Covid last winter - never did lose her sense of taste or smell.  She had residual lung problems, which were improving while she was living at nearly 6,000ft in Arizona, but then disappeared completely as soon as she came back to sea level here in California.  I'm getting the Bivalent shot next Friday and the flu shot soon after.  OH had his flu shot earlier this week and they advised waiting two weeks before the Bivalent booster although daughter was asked if she wanted them both when she had her most recent booster; not sure of the rationale there.

    LIndybird:  How long are you gone this time?

    Take care everyone.

  • So sorry CLARE, I hope that LIMPY will avoid the virus. And RUSTY - glad that you don't feel too unwell.
    My son has been here all week, coughing and sneezing. He has left for home, this morning. He hasn't tested himself -even though I have several test kits in the house. I'll say no more about that....
  • In light of all the gloom and doom plus the shambles which is British politics (!) here is the first instalment of my Portuguese adventures.

    My friend and I flew from Manchester to Lisbon and were met by our guide on our coach. We stayed in 3 Pousadas during the course of the tour. Pousadas are owned by the Portuguese government. They have bought unused buildings and done them up. We were very impressed. Our first Pousada was a former Royal Palace not far from Sintra. One part of it is still used for certain State Occasions. Our late Queen stayed there back in the day.

    This is the view from our bedroom window over to another bit of the palace and this is the entrance to our Pousada.

  • On the first full day we had a tour of Lisbon. We started off down by the river and saw the famous Belem Tower (above) and the monument to the discoveries.

  • Unknown said:
    Do hope Helen is okay - has she tested for it?

    She tried to do a lateral flow test but didn't get a result.  I'm happy to say, though, that she's starting to feel better and has been able to eat today - for the first time in 48 hours.  Limpy can't taste anything now and is feeling too warm - but so far, that's all.  Thanks goodness he had his booster when he did!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.