Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 August 2022


Today was the new moon. I can't believe that this week will be the beginning of September! Where does the time go? It feels like I just started a new thread a day ago. 

I hope you all have a healthy, joyful, serene week! Enjoy the last of summer. 

  • I won't say any more, and of course I know that there are invisible disabilities. But....
    CLARE - Sending best wishes to you and LIMPY .
  • A long reply is required re benefits. Been busy in and around home today but I will give my considered opinion asap. Basically, I am in agreement with everything which has been said. Funnily enough I had a related conversation with my neighbour about the rising cost of living when I arrived home from shopping. He was out cleaning his car.
  • LINDY Sorry I missed your birthday. I hope you had a lovely day.
  • I washed today but it didn’t quite dry; half now draped in loungeroom. I started cleaning as Dau#2 & Co are coming for a’tea Sunday for Fathers Day. Said father has been muddled as to what “little tasks” we have for s-i-l. Widowed friend rang for a debrief. House is full of clutter (I think it is breeding). I am beginning to wonder what day it is and where I’m at.
  • Just a thought

    I always give 100% at work: 13% Monday, 22% Tuesday, 26% Wednesday,, 35% Thursday, 4% Friday.

    I am instantly 70% nicer after 3 pm on Fridays.

    If showing up in a robe and tiara with a box of wine is wrong, then maybe I don’t fully comprehend how Casual Friday actually works.

  • Clare Bailey said:

    Pat O said:
    my pension having increased by three per cent

    Last year my Carer's Allowance went up by 35p a week.  I'll never, ever, forget that.

    Words fail.........

  • Good Morning. Dry here and trying to brighten. High winds predicted for this weekend.

    AQ - You have a busy time, trying to think for two. I hope all goes well on Sunday, & your s in law can do a few jobs to help out.

    Dibnlib - thanks for your good wishes. I had a pleasant day, and spent it being quite lazy.

    Off to the hairdressers next, for today-- how can it possibly be so long since I last went?
  • I am taking my friend with a broken arm to physio soon. Afterwards we are calling for a quick coffee with some friends. Then I will take her home and go on to my lunch out with some former colleagues!!! Phew!!! I haven’t forgotten about all the replies I owe. I have a quiet weekend to look forward to so I hope to catch up then.
  • Thought I'd bump us up with a tale from my stepson.
    As a harbour pilot, he brought a big cruise ship in, recently. He and the ship's captain, chatting on the bridge.
    Stepson - ' how did the trip go, this time?'
    Captain -' Mostly fine, but we had a medical emergency. An older lady was found in her cabin, unresponsive.
    The medics rushed in, with all the equipment. It turned out that she was absolutely drunk - she had purchased a drinks package and wasn't used to alcohol. She drank the whole day's allowance too quickly...'
    Anyway, all was well, but the poor lady lost a couple of days as she recovered.
  • I love that story, Heather. I am wondering what the day's allowance was.

    We have finally made the move to our new abode. Still surrounded by boxes of stuff.
    The move was rather chaotic, as the removal company had double booked. Only one of the vehicles turned up! The team we had were fantastic though, and made a very difficult experience tolerable.
    Apparently, August is the busiest time for moving house. I had no idea. Not that we had much choice.

    We are only about 4 miles from our previous home, but nearer a bigger town, which actually has an operational bank. I think this has been a subject of discussion recently. Lucky me! Our last local one closed last year.

    More later when I have unpacked a few more boxes.

    Thanks to all for news which I have tried to keep up to date with. We were several days without internet connection.