Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 August 2022


Today was the new moon. I can't believe that this week will be the beginning of September! Where does the time go? It feels like I just started a new thread a day ago. 

I hope you all have a healthy, joyful, serene week! Enjoy the last of summer. 

  • Hope you have a very happy birthday, Lindy. Enjoy your lunch. And look on your washing blowing in the breeze as flags being flown in your honour :)
  • Bus trip saga continued. The weather on Sunday was beautiful all day, sunny, about 22 C. Second silo art town was Farrell Flat, another sleepy town. The art work depicts the last train to pass through the town in Sep 1992.

    Now we travelled back across country to Clare for our afternoon stop about 3 pm. On Sundays the lunch place closes 2 pm. By the time we arrived only one coffee shop was open apart from petrol station with coffee bar or the hotel (very slow). I dawdled down main street capturing the former banks (most now private or for other purposes eg real estate) and old & new town halls. Clare is the major town in the region, yet it too was dead on Sunday afternoon. We returned to city via Auburn, then across to near Balaklava to catch the fastest route on to the Northern Expressway.

  • Pat O said:
    Hope you have a very happy birthday, Lindy. Enjoy your lunch. And look on your washing blowing in the breeze as flags being flown in your honour :)

    LOL!  LOL!!

  • It's our granddaughters birthday, too. Can't believe she's 8!! Some kind friends drew this on their driveway.

  • Happy birthday, LINDY ! Can you freeze some of those beans?
    AQ - I've been reading about your second town. A small population and still many German names, etc. Such a shame that banks etc have closed, but the same thing is happening here in smaller towns.
    Sorry no more replies at the moment - have read everyone's posts - Thank you, ALL.!

  • Had to call in today to wish Linda A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (and her granddaughter, of course!)

    I see I last posted on Sunday – disgraceful of me, and, of course as usual I don’t know what I did since then! OH did do all the mowing Sunday afternoon and evening as the humidity burned off during lunch. Cleaners as usual Monday. OH went to get his ears flushed on Tuesday. Had yet another care person here with advice (“lifting and handling”) this morning, and joiner is making the planned hall cabinet – doing most of the assembly at his workshop down the road but has so far come here once to check measurements – expecting to finish late afternoon. Having moved the former hall table (small and round) into a corner of the dining room I remarked that we need a plant to stand on it – but there was no answer – will have to work on that one. J is suffering with a badly bruised and abraded arm – walked into a doorpost – so he is settled in front of a film on TV.

    LINDA – sounds as if you are having a relaxing time – at last. Sounds like you need to get the cataracts done – maybe a project for the winter! Hope you had a good birthday lunch!

    DIBNLIB – sounds like a good lunch out – despite the prosecco!

    AQ – how nice for you to get back to bus trips – although I guess it will soon get too hot again, so make the most of it while you can. Good to see silo art again – especially like the train in front of that lovely sky!

    RUSTY – sad the sweet peas have ended – not the only things to finish early, but then a lot of flowers bloomed early too! Sorry friend’s arm is taking to long to fully heal – must be very frustrating for her.

    ANNETTE – good that you are giving Pearl respite care and she can return to AZ for a break too!

    LYNETTE – pleased to hear good news about Jasper!

    OH is outside topping the shrubs which affect visibility turning out of the front drive – better check he hasn’t injured himself with the hedge trimmer!
  • Lindy - I hope you have had a lovely birthday.
    OG - it sounds to be very busy at your house what with gardening, cabinet making and medical appointments. Good to hear from you
    I have been golfing this afternoon. It was really enjoyable in beautiful weather. I was inconsistent as usual but the ladies I was playing with and I had lots of laughs.
  • Just looking in to say that I've had a lovely day indeed - one slight hiccup, explained later. We went to the Garden Centre, where we had a good poke around and where I bought...... .... A new baking tray and a giant packet of peppercorns from the cookshop!

    Went for our lunch in the excellent restaurant there, and ordered our meals at the counter -- they said it would be cooked to order, so go & find a table first. Which we did. Eventually, my OH s yummy stew with suet crust & new potatoes arrived. But no sign of mine. I was just getting up to complain, after telling my OH not to leave his dinner, when a girl breathlessly arrived with mine. He had begun eating on my instructions not to let all go cold!I

    Mine was a "Haddock Burger" which was a thick piece of haddock, battered, then put into a bun with lettuce and tartare sauce. With a side of chips (fries). Very filling! And unusual. Don't think I'd order it again but it was perfectly cooked and delicious. Whilst we ate, we watched the antics of small children in a big sand pit which had been provided to amuse the youngsters. Lots of laughter and a few tears.

    When we got home, we sat in the garden and Sue came to share some cake with us, which I'd bought earlier. Several phone calls with relatives including grandchildren followed, and delivery of presents from them.

  • Thank you to Rusty and OG for their good wishes. Rusty, it sounds as if you had a good day with the golf. OG, hope the new cupboard is a success and that J recovers from his nasty bang. He might have some long lasting bruises, there.

    AQ - Love the photographs.
  • Flowers given to me by Sue. I had an enjoyable day but still feel full after eating too many treats! I think our days of big lunches are over.