I hope everyone has a safe, joyful, and healthy week. I'm so sorry to read that so many of you or your families have contracted covid. To all of you coping with adversity of one kind or another, I wish you strength and peace.
The moon turns full on the night of 11-12 August (depending on your location).
DIANE - Thank you for a new week and your good wishes; encouraging as always.
RUSTY – Your friend has a lovely friend - you.
HEATHER – Watching the tribute to Judith Durham last eve, I commented on how tidy the band looked - men in suits, Judith nicely dressed. Unlike modern scruffy & exposed flesh. Tut tut. Old-fashioned lady here LOL.
My chemist will deliver as we are just within the 5 km limit. The closer (walking distance) chemist is unreliable and once told me to phone around for meds he did not have. In contrast, without me even asking, the other has home delivered when they had to fetch meds from elsewhere.
An email from Dau to say she is improving a little each day & MissJ is all but recovered. Her OH has managed to delay his work trip for 2 days (supposed to leave today). I’m not happy with his workplace – can’t they ZOOM or something. Last time he came back with covid.
A lovely sunny afternoon. I haven’t seen the predicted “shower or two” although the weeds were very wet this morn. Another miniscule patch cleared , , , to make way for more.
If your dog is fat, you aren’t getting enough exercise.
My husband and I are either going to buy a dog or have a child. We can’t decide whether to ruin our carpet or ruin our lives. (Rita Rudner)
Dogs feel very strongly that they should always go with you in the car, in case the need should arise for them to bark violently, right in your ear. (Dave Barry)