LLYN BRENIG August 2022

Link to JULY 2022

Our Osprey family taken on 7th July, 2022.

 Our chicks on 31st July, 2022. Olwen flying in to join her family. 

This was a new nest erected for 2022 season to replace the one vandalised in 2021 after this pair and just laid their first egg.

Our male, blue LJ2  (2018 South Argyll) arrived on 6th April 2022.

Our female, blue LM6  (2018 Menteith, Stirling) arrived on 10th April 2022.

This is our young adult osprey pair’s first successful breeding season.

First egg  25th April. Second egg 28th April. Third egg 1st May.

Eggs hatched 1st June, 3rd June, 5th June (3rd chick died on day of hatching) Broken heart

Chicks ringed ringed 4th July, chick #1 blue X6 female,  chick #2 blue KA9 male.

Chicks named  7th July - X6 Olwen - KA9 Gelert as chosen by public vote on Brenig Facebook.

8th July, it was noticed LM6’s blue darvic ring had split and fallen off her leg onto the nest on 7th July.  She now only has a silver BTO ring on her right leg.

The first born chick, X6/Olwen fledged at 55 days old at 12.45 on 26th July.

The second born chick KA9/Gelert fledged at 55 days old at 07.29 on 28th July.

Today on 1st August, the chicks are 61 and 59 days old respectively. 

Brenig Osprey Project is a collaboration between Dŵr Cymru/Welsh Water, North Wales Wildlife Trust and the RSPB.

Link to northwaleswildlifetrust.org.uk

  • Through scroll back, I’ve not seen any Osprey activity since Olwen’s 11.30 visit. The corvid reappeared (presuming it’s the same one) at 16.23 and stayed for a good 20 minutes, looking for scraps.

  • So it’s eerily quiet here. Just the sound of the wind buffering on the microphone. Have our ospreys all gone together?!!  I could imagine Olwen screaming on her migration route at her parents to bring her fish!!

  • LJ2 last seen this morning on the nest before leaving at around 08.55. After nestorising, he sat on the edge, having a good look all around, taking in the view, before lifting his wings and flying off.

  • The last time I saw LM6 was 11.07 when she flew from the perch where she’d been sitting for approximately 20 minutes. She had a bit of a preen

    but spent most of her time just sitting, looking. Sounded like Olwen was on the cam post as she made a couple of cheeps then flew to the trees.

    After a while, LM6 turned around

    looked to the sides and front

    then flew off towards the trees.

  • The last time I saw Olwen was when she visited the nest briefly at 11.30.

    She was fish calling, not the loudest or most persistent I’ve heard her, but it sounded like LJ2 chipping in the background. Thus Olwen only stayed for under a minute. The camera jumped and she disappeared. 

    Sweet Olwen 90 days old.

  • I  As the night draws in, the nest is empty. All is quiet. Where will our birds be roosting tonight? 

    Night cam on at 20.52. 

  • Wednesday, 31st August

    Good morning everyone. Beautiful clear morning. Corvids, gulls and woodland birds all heard but no Osprey calls or visits. Beautiful robin song pierces the calmness of the day.

    Day cam on at 05.47.

  • 06.27 The flutter of incoming wings is heard and………… a corvid lands on the nest. It finds a tiny scrap to eat.

  • Good evening everyone, nothing to report from here today. I’m sure our Osprey family are all on their way south. I don’t know if Brenig website or Facebook will confirm this shortly.

    It’s been a fantastic season for these two adult birds LJ2 and LM6 who both chose to return here after their nest got vandalised last year and first egg they’d ever produced lost. They’ve stayed strong as a couple and produced 2 beautiful healthy chicks who grew into fine young ospreys, Olwen/X6 and Gelert/KA9.

    After a shaky start and sadly losing a chick, it has been a joy and a privilege to follow this nest to the happy end outcome, getting to “know” this family with all of their traits and quirks along the way.

    Wishing LJ2, LM6, Olwen and Gelert safe journeys, good supplies of fish and looking forward to seeing our adults back next Spring, with sightings of our youngsters in 2024/25 back on home soil. Heart
  • A super round-up, Glider! Thank you so much for all of the coverage, you've done a fab job! Kissing heartThumbsup 

    Safe onward journeys to them all and hope to see LM6 and LJ2 back at Llyn Brenig next season.