LLYN BRENIG August 2022

Link to JULY 2022

Our Osprey family taken on 7th July, 2022.

 Our chicks on 31st July, 2022. Olwen flying in to join her family. 

This was a new nest erected for 2022 season to replace the one vandalised in 2021 after this pair and just laid their first egg.

Our male, blue LJ2  (2018 South Argyll) arrived on 6th April 2022.

Our female, blue LM6  (2018 Menteith, Stirling) arrived on 10th April 2022.

This is our young adult osprey pair’s first successful breeding season.

First egg  25th April. Second egg 28th April. Third egg 1st May.

Eggs hatched 1st June, 3rd June, 5th June (3rd chick died on day of hatching) Broken heart

Chicks ringed ringed 4th July, chick #1 blue X6 female,  chick #2 blue KA9 male.

Chicks named  7th July - X6 Olwen - KA9 Gelert as chosen by public vote on Brenig Facebook.

8th July, it was noticed LM6’s blue darvic ring had split and fallen off her leg onto the nest on 7th July.  She now only has a silver BTO ring on her right leg.

The first born chick, X6/Olwen fledged at 55 days old at 12.45 on 26th July.

The second born chick KA9/Gelert fledged at 55 days old at 07.29 on 28th July.

Today on 1st August, the chicks are 61 and 59 days old respectively. 

Brenig Osprey Project is a collaboration between Dŵr Cymru/Welsh Water, North Wales Wildlife Trust and the RSPB.

Link to northwaleswildlifetrust.org.uk

  • Olwen ate some of the fish on the nest then flew away with the remainder 10+ minutes later.

    She flew to the nearby tree to finish off the fish

    returning to the nest around 18.00.

    LM6 finally left the perch around 18.47 - a little under a 4 hour stay.

  • 19.07, all is quiet and peaceful. Olwen looking out over the water. I wonder what she’s thinking!?

  • 19.40 Olwen doesn’t stand here very often

    And she leaves the nest around 19.45 

    She flies down and over the water and back to land on the perch.

    She’s there for a couple of minutes when she chirps a couple of times then flies off over the water again.

    She returns back, flying low over the water’s edge and out of site. She may have landed on the cam post.

  • No more Osprey activity on the nest. Night cam on at 20.49.
  • Bart molenaar said:
    Took me a while to find it without a timestamp.. but I guess you'd appreciate a video of the dive

    Very much so, BART!  What a smashing splash Sweat drops 

    As for the absence of timestamp - I cannot understand the rationale behind it, it feels malicious, almost.

    Bart molenaar said:
    (sometimes a bit glitchy, but somehow the replay of the cam is not working properly for me)

    Not just you, it's why I haven't been able to download the stream, too many fragments!

    It's a shame, as the picture is quite good, as demoed by GLIDER's great snaps Blush

  • Monday 29th August

    Good morning all. Day cam on at 05.55. Olwen early onto the nest fish shouting. Mum, LM6 obliges with a large headless fish at 06.49.

    LM6 goes to her perch and Olwen enjoys her breakfast.

  • Breakfast fish continued: Olwen ate the fish on the nest with LM6 sitting on the perch. At 07.38 Olwen gave a couple of chirps, raised her wings and walked away from the fish.

    Olwen found a wee scrap of fish, ate it, moved over to the front of the nest, cleaned her beak then flew off.

    LM6 then flew down and landed on the fish.

    She brought it to the front of the nest then flew off with it.

  • Around 08.30 LJ2 flew to the nest with a small whole fish. He was immediately followed on by Olwen.

    Olwen flew off with this fish.

  • Around 12.55 LM6 flew onto the perch closely followed by Olwen fish calling. There was no fish. Olwen continued calling, flew off a few times, returned and flew away again.

    LM6 was on the perch for around 2 hours before she left.

  • Olwen back on the nest at 18.05, she’s sitting relatively quietly, having a good look around.

    EDIT - Olwen stayed until around 18.26, gave a few cheeps, looked around then flew off.