LLYN BRENIG August 2022

Link to JULY 2022

Our Osprey family taken on 7th July, 2022.

 Our chicks on 31st July, 2022. Olwen flying in to join her family. 

This was a new nest erected for 2022 season to replace the one vandalised in 2021 after this pair and just laid their first egg.

Our male, blue LJ2  (2018 South Argyll) arrived on 6th April 2022.

Our female, blue LM6  (2018 Menteith, Stirling) arrived on 10th April 2022.

This is our young adult osprey pair’s first successful breeding season.

First egg  25th April. Second egg 28th April. Third egg 1st May.

Eggs hatched 1st June, 3rd June, 5th June (3rd chick died on day of hatching) Broken heart

Chicks ringed ringed 4th July, chick #1 blue X6 female,  chick #2 blue KA9 male.

Chicks named  7th July - X6 Olwen - KA9 Gelert as chosen by public vote on Brenig Facebook.

8th July, it was noticed LM6’s blue darvic ring had split and fallen off her leg onto the nest on 7th July.  She now only has a silver BTO ring on her right leg.

The first born chick, X6/Olwen fledged at 55 days old at 12.45 on 26th July.

The second born chick KA9/Gelert fledged at 55 days old at 07.29 on 28th July.

Today on 1st August, the chicks are 61 and 59 days old respectively. 

Brenig Osprey Project is a collaboration between Dŵr Cymru/Welsh Water, North Wales Wildlife Trust and the RSPB.

Link to northwaleswildlifetrust.org.uk

  • Sunday 28th August

    Good morning everyone. A peaceful scene on the nest this morning when day cam came on at 05.45. Dry with no wind, very calm water, song birds singing in the background with the occasional corvid caw.

    Olwen flew to the nest at approx 06.19. She stayed for under a minute then flew off again. She has returned back and forward, spending a little time on the perch too. She seems unsettled. She’ll know Gelert is not here. An (adult) Osprey has been heard now and then when Olwen when has been calling.

  • Morning Glider and thanks for all the updates. Interesting to see if Gelert is still around?
  • Karen W said:
    Morning Glider and thanks for all the updates. Interesting to see if Gelert is still around?

    Morning Karen, you’re very welcome. Blush  Yes, dear Gelert took me by surprise (by leaving?) After following Manton and the Lowes with the 100 day birds, I kind of expected the two to be here a little longer!! Smile Time will tell. 

  • Glider, he may just be off exploring. Very common for them to disappear for a few days exploring and return. As you say, time will tell if he has actually set off south :-)

    Approx 08.00 - Oh my goodness - Olwen flew off the nest and took a dive straight into the water. It is very shallow there and she took a wee while to rise again, my heart was in my mouth!

    The circled areas have been magnified in some of the photos.

    You can see her shadow beneath her in this photo.

    Apologies for so many photos, I tried to show the exact sequence of her movements. She landed in one spot then struggled to get up. She rested then flapped and moved to nearer to the shore. She rested then tried again to get airborne. She managed it this time, getting off the water and flying low along the edge until out of sight of the camera. 
    Well done Olwen! Clap

  • Very well captured, Glider! Thumbsup

  • Straight after this, Olwen continued practising her diving technique and I heard another 3 loud splashes plus a 4th in view.

    Flying and diving! 

  • Sandra P said:

    Very well captured, Glider! 

    Thanks Sandra, I was just lucky that when scrolling, I paused at the right place! Smile

    A video would’ve been great but when I record on my iPad, it seems the size is always too big to upload. 

  • Olwen very briefly back on the nest after her diving exploits with her dripping wet feathers under her tail!

  • Karen W said:
    Glider, he may just be off exploring. Very common for them to disappear for a few days exploring and return. As you say, time will tell if he has actually set off south :-)

    Ah thanks Karen. We will see then! Blush