LOCH GARTEN - August 2022 to end of season

July 2022 thread

Our Osprey family

"Axel", Blue AX6(16) male (yes he does have strong chest markings), a single chick (possibly from 3 eggs) hatched Glen Affric, near Beauly, seen Lossiemouth 2020, then at LG in 2021

"Asha"- Female - Unringed - partnered Axel in 2021.

Axel & Asha (as "Mistle") fled the nest May 2021 due to unknown intruders.

HATCH #1 - 11 June @ 05:30

HATCH #2 - 13 June @ 04:11 (first sighting)

AT RINGING - Quote RSPB Abernethy Facebook "The male BLUE 1C2 is thought to be the older one at 1.5kgs with the female BLUE 1C1 being the younger one at 1.5kgs."

RSPB Video Channel - Osprey, Goshawk, Barn Owls: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl8QdQ9ZaBT65tF1yOmbMBQ

All pictures & videos ©RSPB LochGarten & WildlifeWindows 


  • Here is Trevor's 09.19 fish. According to chat, IC2 has been eating for 45 minutes, and so IC1 and Asha have had nothing so far. On the bright side, we have seen Axel deliver this morning so hopefully another fish will follow and IC2 will still be full up when that arrives.......

    (c) RSPB Loch Garten

  • 1c1 gets fish at 10 .25am enough to keep her going
  • IC1 still eating at 11.06
  • mom gets fish at 11.44am and flys with it
  • TREVOR Thank you for the heads up about the #1 FISH at 09.19, claimed by 1C2 and further updates  Sadly, there was no #2 fish.  It was the earlier fish that 1C1 claimed when 1C2 lost interest, briefly, and 1C1 claimed it.

    10.22 spider/insect appeared top left

    10.24 1C2 was full for ow and stepped away.  1C1 claimed the left over fish.  She dragged it to the near side of the nest to eat it.  She struggled a bit, but for now her brother left her to it.  Asha kept her eye on it.

    10.50.32  Asha approached and attempted to take the fish from her, possibly to feed the juvies, but 1C1 pecked her on the head as a warning to go away.

    11.06  Korky reported that 1C1 was still eating her fish

    11.23  1C1 is nearly full and loses interest.  The wind has got up.  She spreads her wings to feel the wind and 1C2 re-claimed the fish.  Asha just watched.  I wonder whether she has fished for her self at some point.

    11.43  1C2 steps away from the fish, and Asha pounces on it.  She fed herself, briefly, and then fed the youngsters.

    11.44  Asha spots something off the nest and flew off with the left over fish, and gave an intruder call which could be heard.

    12.05  Asha returned having finished the fish.   The juvies call in anticipation.  Asha found some left overs

    12.28  Asha flew off

    12.41  The juvies lie down and snooze

    12.52  They are surprisingly quiet now - intermittently.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • I'm off for a while. Will pop back later in the hope that we see Axel and #2 fish!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • 14.33 someone landed on the cam post, 1C1 calls. It lifted off. 1C2 can be heard in the distance.
    14.35 Intruder on the nest, Blue KL5 probably male, and hungry!!!  He just lowered himself on the nest. 1C1 home alone, but I think I can hear 1C2 in the distance. I will check further.
    15.33 currently Asha is feeding the chicks. Again I will check details but chat suggests she brought it in herself.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Continued from earlier

    13.05      Asha left the perch near the old nest and flew back to the current nest perch.

    13.33      Asha took off and away from the nest she gave an intruder call.  1C1 was unsure whether to hit the deck or not, 1C2 lust watched.

    13.47        Another passing light shower.  Juvies pay no attention, and remain standing.

    14.11       1C2 flew off.  1C1 watched him.

    14.12        Intruder chips from afar.  1C1 half mantles and half sinks to the floor, before going the whole way.  Something is happening to our 'right' as she watches

    14.18        By this time she is still down, but relaxed, and snoozing, and 1C2 is still on the sticky tree *** totem pole.

    14.31        1C1 sees something in the skies above, stretching her neck to watch whatever it is.  

    14.32        It flies above the nest, she watches earnestly.

    14.33        Suddenly she was up and mantling.  Calling.  Someone landed on the cam post, 1C1 calls.  It lifted off. 1C2 can be heard in the distance.

    14.34        Still calling she lowers to the ground.  Intruder takes off. 

                      1C2 calls too, from the stick tree.  It can't be Asha – she would have come to the nest to defend.

    14.36.16      Intruder on the nest, Blue KL5 probably male, and looks hungry!!! He just lowered himself on the nest. 


                    Wot's all this noise about?



                    I've not seen one of these before!  I'm only two myself!



                       1C1 home alone, but calls 1C2 from the stick tree.                                

    14.39          He is still on the far rim and 1C1 is calling, despite lying down.

    14.40          He wandered along the rim to our left, stopped, checked beasties on the nest, took another look at 1C2 and took off at 14.41.09

                       One last look


                     Flying to the dead tree


    14.41          KL5 landed on the top of the dead tree.  1C2 called at him.  1C1 goes quiet.

    14.51          KL5 flew from the dead tree.  1C2 continued to call.

    14.51.16     KL5 had a circular flight around the stick tree and returned to a lower perch on the left land side of the tree.

    14.55          KL5 left the dead tree and did a circular flight over the nest and back over the perch complex of the dead tree, old nest, dead tree and disappeared.  Enough to upset the youngsters.  The wind began gusting.

    15.01      Valerie   on Chat:  KL5 was first seen in June and identified and was ringed at a nest at the north end of Loch Ness in July 2020 - so first time back

    He was also around yesterday when our juvies were fledging.

    15.10       1C2 leaves the stick tree.

    15.11.07   #2 FISH    Asha lands with a headless whopper.  1C1 tries to take it, but Asha says no.

    15.12.22   Asha feeds 1C1.  No sign yet of 1C2!!

    15.33        1C2 returns.  Mummy, I'm home!!  Asha feeds him, and leaves 1C1.


    16.01        1C1 tries sneaking up the other side of Asha and gets in line for some more fish.

    16.23        1C1 has had enough and moves away.  Cleans her bill.  1C2, the piggy, still wants more.

    16.26         1C2 has now had enough too, leaving Asha to take her fill.

    16.36         1C1 has returned for seconds

    16.42         a pause

    17.00         Asha has been standing with the remains in her talons. 1C2 when round to have a look, but wasn't brave enough to take it from her.  She stretches a wing and a leg, but holds on.

    17.01        She starts to feed the juvies again, who are eager and willing to take in more.

    17.09        By this time things are slowing down, and Asha is tucking in as well.  Her fish has done well.

    17.15        Ha ha.  She is showing the youngsters how to attack the tough skin and the tail fin.

    17.16        At last, 1C1 looks as though she has had a decent meal.


    17.31       I think we have a replete trio, for now!

    If I have time I will add some snaps

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Hi Sheila. Asha did indeed bring in a whopper at 15.11. IC1 was home alone and tried to take it from her but then realised it was easier if mum fed it to her. Not sure if IC2 got any but Asha has it at 17.39 and the other two look puggled with food

    (c) RSPB Loch Garten