Link to July 2022

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The Osprey Protection Programme at Loch of the Lowes is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes



So, we now enter August knowing that we will only have the pleasure of watching this beautiful family all together for a limited number of weeks.
Both LP8 and LR0 have transformed into two strong, independent individuals. Their attentive parents have continued to provide for and nurture them and this, in turn, has given the juveniles a basis to continue their growth into full adulthood, wherever they decide to settle during the next couple of years.
Last season, NC0 began her southerly migration on the 22nd August; Laddie on the 25th (these dates were their last webcam sightings). We can only hope that all of the 2022 family have safe, unhindered journeys to warmer climes, aided by fair winds as well as an abundance of fish along the way, and that we will welcome Laddie and NC0 back to this stunning Loch of the Lowes location in the spring of 2023. 

Nest Updates

Arrival dates:  Laddie - 13.3.22 (c12:00)  NC0 - 23.3.22 (18:14)

Three eggs laid:  Egg #1 - 12.4.22 (18:34)  Egg #2 - 15.4.22 (16:05)  Egg #3 - 18.4.22 (12:14)

Hatch dates:  Chick #1 - 19.5.22 (10:26) - 37 days  Chick #2 - 21.5.22 (03:24) - 36 days  Chick #3 - 23.5.22 (19:46) - 35 days

15.6.22: At 23 days old, chick #3 passed away Broken heart

27.6.22:  Our osprey chicks have been ringed! (Genders not able to be positively determined, ? both males)

Chick #1: LP8 (39 days old) - wing measurement = 360mm, weight = 1.5kg

Chick #2: LR0 (37 days old) - wing measurement = 315mm, weight = 1.44kg

Fledge dates:  LP8 - 13.7.22 (10:06) 55 days old  LR0 - 15.7.22 (13:55) 55 days old

Migration/Last Seen dates: NC0 - 11.8.22  Laddie - 26.8.22  LP8 (100 do) and LR0 (98 do) - 27.8.22                        


August Blogs and Updates:

Links to blogs and updates during March/AprilMayJune, and July

12.8.22: Last Supper From NC0? (SWT video recorded at 17:20 on 10.8.22)

23.8.22:  Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes: Week 21

25.8.22: Blog -  Homeward Bound – Ospreys on the Move

9.9.22: End of Season Blog: Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes: So Long and Thanks for all the Fish!

  • There was a fish delivery to LP8 from Laddie at 13:46ish.

    LR0 down from the cam post

    LP8 lifted upwards with the fish

    Landed back down

    LR0's stance - was he the 'intruder' earlier and LP8 was driving him away?

    At 14:00, LR0 was back to his normal self, calling for fish, once LP8 had left

    The siblings were both ok together on the nest a little later


  • 15:35 Laddie to the nest with another fish, LP8 was already there to receive this one too


  • 17:20 A HUGE, headless fish delivery (salmon, I think,) from NC0!!!!!!!!!

    Tug-o-fish, LR0 on the right

    After leaving the nest, LR0 landed on the birch

    LR0 lost out 

    He made an attempt to steal, but LP8 wasn't going to let that happen


  • 18:44 LR0 is still waiting to eat!


  • Glider said:
    Oh Sandra, you were right about NCO, I think you knew though. Safe journey NC0, can’t wait to see you back next Spring. ️

    We'll have to save our sentiments for another day, Glider! lol

    Gosh, my mind is so confused - was there a ringed intruder this afternoon or was it LR0? And now beautiful NC0 is still around! I need to lie down in a darkened room, I think!!

  • 19:04 There is still a sizable amount of the fish left, I really hope LR0 gets its share of it soon!


  • That looked like a "fish transfer" from one juvie to the other.
  • I'm so pleased LR0 has now got the fish, Scylla! He hasn't had anything to eat on the nest, from my observations, since early morning yesterday.

    LP8 had been having a brief 'shut eye' before LR0 cautiously approached the fish

    LP8 cleaning its talons, LR0 enjoying his much needed meal


  • Sandra P said:

    Glider said:
    Oh Sandra, you were right about NCO, I think you knew though. Safe journey NC0, can’t wait to see you back next Spring. ️

    We'll have to save our sentiments for another day, Glider! lol

    Gosh, my mind is so confused - was there a ringed intruder this afternoon or was it LR0? And now beautiful NC0 is still around! I need to lie down in a darkened room, I think!!


    What a surprise!!! NC0, you’re still here! Even fooled The Lowes staff that you were gone. Smile Lol What a welcome return too with that fish.

    Yes Sandra, I’ll re wish NC0 well another day! haha It’s the heat, it’s getting to us all! 

  • LR0 walked away from the remainder of the fish at 21:11, LP8 was on the perch.

    LR0 with a full crop

    LR0 left the nest (both made contact calls to each other just beforehand) and just as he reached the birch, who should appear? 

    NC0! Down to the nest from the cam post!

    LP8 off the perch and food begged - NC0 ignored its calls

    A quick taster

    She flew off with the fish before LP8 had a chance to take it! NC0 did not fly over the Loch or head to the birch

    LP8 found a fish tail on the nest

    Hmm, now who was LP8 shouting at?

