LLYN BRENIG - July 2022

link to JUNE 2022

1st fish of July 2022 arrived at 07.34. Not too shabby an effort! Headless trout delivered by LJ2 whilst LM6 was off the nest. She soon followed on to collect the fish.

It looks like it was a nice calm morning.

LM6 and the chicks got a couple of feeds off this fish before LJ2 took it away. He returned with what was left at around 10.40.

LJ2 started eating it on the nest. Chick #2 came to see if it could get any and LJ2 gently fed it a few pieces before finishing it off.

  • Gelert remained on the nest, around 20.00 LJ2 joined him for some father/son bonding! LJ2 stayed there with Gelert for just under an hour.

    Once more, Gelert was alone on the nest and as the light faded, he settled down.

    He’d decided to spend the night on the nest again after roosting elsewhere last night. (22.30)

  • Thanks Glider hope to get to this nest next week but the itinerary is a bit hazy - observations are much appreciated.
  • LAM said:
    Thanks Glider hope to get to this nest next week but the itinerary is a bit hazy - observations are much appreciated.

    Hello LAM, thanks for your kind comments and that would be lovely if you got here. You’ll just have to see how you manage your itinerary, so many Osprey sites to visit! Blush

  • Sunday, 31st July

    Good morning all. Last day of July, my goodness where has this month gone!

    Well, it was a very wet and bedraggled Gelert in the nest this morning. The rain seemed to be incessant all night. It was still raining when day cam clicked on at 05.04. It was like Gelert heard it as he had a wee squint up at the camera, outstretched his wing then got up and had a shake.

  • Approx 06.15, Gelert was still on the nest and his dad on the perch, having had joined him earlier. The weirdest noise could be heard for a few seconds. Haven’t a clue if it was bird/animal/electronic or human?! The birds weren’t at all concerned what it was so obviously non threatening. I’ve not heard a noise like it before!

  • 11.33 LM6 was sitting on the nest. Gelert flew in followed by Olwen who squeezed in behind Gelert. Everyone lined up waiting in excited anticipation as LJ2 could be seen flying in from the forest side.

    Chicks screaming for fish as LJ2 flies down grasping a headless one in his talons.

    Gelert is in prime position to get to his dad and the fish first.

    Gelert makes a grab for the fish and mantles over claiming it.

    Olwen is right behind Gelert to see if there’s a chance of getting the fish.

    but he manages to keep it this time, maybe remembering how quick his sister can be at snatching!

    12.00 and LM6 comes down to the nest to join the youngsters. Gelert is still eating with Olwen “reminding” him she’s not been fed yet!

  • Thanks for all the updates GLIDER - this family is doing really well and it is lovely being able to follow their progress.

    And what a treat in store for you if LAM do manage to visit and is possible, can share some off cam reports with you :-)

    As you say, end of the month - just where has July gone???
  • Olwen hung around waiting for her chance to feed. She left the nest and returned and at 12.22 saw her opportunity.  On her 2nd attempt at snatching she succeeded. Gelert had his head up and Olwen dived in underneath to grab the fish with her beak. Not much left at this point unfortunately.

    Olwen took the fish tail to the back of the nest to finish off.

    She swallowed that tail like a pro! 

    Lovely to see the sun out after all the recent rain. 

  • Karen W said:
    Thanks for all the updates GLIDER - this family is doing really well and it is lovely being able to follow their progress.

    And what a treat in store for you if LAM do manage to visit and is possible, can share some off cam reports with you :-)

    As you say, end of the month - just where has July gone???

    Hi Karen, you’re very welcome and yes, this family are progressing beautifully. No big whopping fish like you see at Manton but enough of what is here to do them fine! 
    Yes, that will be fabulous if LAM gets here but it’s dependent on schedule. It does make a difference though seeing the whole picture and what goes on all around the nest area. Blush

    I know, August tomorrow, bitter sweet time of the year. Slight smile

  • Know what you mean GLIDER and come too soon