LLYN BRENIG - July 2022

link to JUNE 2022

1st fish of July 2022 arrived at 07.34. Not too shabby an effort! Headless trout delivered by LJ2 whilst LM6 was off the nest. She soon followed on to collect the fish.

It looks like it was a nice calm morning.

LM6 and the chicks got a couple of feeds off this fish before LJ2 took it away. He returned with what was left at around 10.40.

LJ2 started eating it on the nest. Chick #2 came to see if it could get any and LJ2 gently fed it a few pieces before finishing it off.

  • 14.00 and I’ve not seen any fish deliveries as yet however, the fish mostly seem to come to this nest late afternoon/early evening.

    I’m off out for a while now so hopefully there’ll be some fish to report when I get back. Wave
  • 14.17 and LM6 arrives with a nice sized headless fish.

    Gelert is sitting on the perch but it’s Olwen who gets to the nest first.

    Gelert flies down to join his sister.

    Olwen starts pecking at the fish as LM6 still holds it.

    LM6 lets go and Olwen takes the fish.

    Gelert gets his chance to feed when Olwen has has enough.

  • 20.50 LJ2 brings a tiny fish to an empty nest although the chicks can be heard calling.

    Gelert arrives soon after

    he goes straight for the fish and takes it in his beak.

     Olwen arrives and Gelert mantles over his fish.

    It wasn’t big enough to share.

  • Both chicks left the nest around 21.25. LM6 is alone on her perch for the first time tonight.

  • Saturday 30th July

    Good morning all. Olwen and Gelert spent their first night off the nest. LM6 slept on her perch until 04.15, she had wanted an early breakfast. At 06.14 LM6 arrived to an empty nest with a large portion of fish. She had had a good feed herself first.

    The chicks could be heard calling nearby but it was about another 20 seconds before the first arrived, Gelert.

    Gelert had the fish when Olwen arrived around another 20 seconds later.

    Gelert munched into the fish with Olwen calling for some. LM6 left the youngsters to it.

    After a good feed, Gelert walked away from the fish and Olwen had her turn to eat.

    Gelert eventually flew off leaving his sister enjoying her breakfast.

    After having had enough, Olwen flew off. She soon returned, nosediving into the nest on landing! It is a bit windy out there today.

    LM6 returned to the nest and fed Olwen who was then replaced by Gelert and both youngsters had their fill.

    LM6 continued to eat some more and then left the small tail end with stringy skin behind. It is still there now at 11.28.

  • 12.04 LJ2 lands with a half fish. There is lots of calling coming from around the nest area. However he waited but with no one flying down, he flew off and re returned. Soon after Olwen screeched onto the nest!

    She takes the fish and has it to herself.

    Olwen eats the fish, finding the skin tricky! It’s a skill to be mastered!

     All the while this was happening, there was another Osprey in the nearby tree watching, (magnified) who was already there when LJ2 was flying in. 

    It left as Olwen tackled the tricky tail. (Again magnified)

    With only the tail fin and skin left, Olwen left it to clean her beak and leave the nest. She was there for around an hour. 

  • 16.28 LM6 flies onto the nest holding something.

    Gelert immediately follows her on, Unfortunately it’s just a stick. 

  • Just after 16.00 LM6 came onto the nest and ate the 2 tail pieces left lying from earlier.

  • 18.20 Gelert was on the perch fish shouting as LJ2 arrived with a small live fish.

    Olwen was a wee bit later in arriving

    Gelert had started on the fish and Olwen was cheeping at him. She waited a few minutes then just lunged low and grabbed the fish with her beak.

    It seemed to catch Gelert unaware and he had a good grasp of the fish with his talons at the time. Olwen pulled and he was pulling back or couldn’t let go. It was a bit of a tussle with wings flapping and balance being lost. However, Olwen got the fish.

  • 18.34 Well, Gelert didn’t have to wait long for the next fish. LM2 flew in with a nice sized headless one. Tricky seeing anything on the camera with all of the rain on the lens.

    Olwen was still eating her little fish so Gelert was able to be fed first by LM2. He’s under that huge smudge in the middle!

    Olwen was soon finished her fish and joined the feed soon after that. (She’s at the front closest to cam)

    Olwen left the feed first then Gelert and LM2 got more for herself. Gelert stayed on the nest and Olwen flew off.

    When satisfied, LM2 left the tail end and flew off. LJ2 soon flew on to collect it.