LLYN BRENIG - July 2022

link to JUNE 2022

1st fish of July 2022 arrived at 07.34. Not too shabby an effort! Headless trout delivered by LJ2 whilst LM6 was off the nest. She soon followed on to collect the fish.

It looks like it was a nice calm morning.

LM6 and the chicks got a couple of feeds off this fish before LJ2 took it away. He returned with what was left at around 10.40.

LJ2 started eating it on the nest. Chick #2 came to see if it could get any and LJ2 gently fed it a few pieces before finishing it off.

  • That’s 6 fish I’ve counted today, although the chicks only ate 5 between them!
  • Sunday 10th July

    Good morning and it looks like a nice one. 07.17 and LJ2 arrives with a mossy stick.

    He lays it down where he lands and leaves it there. LM6 says she likes the stick but would prefer a fish for breakfast!

    LJ2 is on the nest for 2 minutes listening to LM6 and then she flies off to the right. A few seconds later he departs as well towards the water. 

  • 07.57 and LJ2 obliges with the delivery of a fish.

    LM6 goes over to take it

    She misses her grip as LJ2 releases and the wee fish dances around behind the oblivious KA9

    LM6 quickly regains control as X6 starts to get up but is momentarily pinned down by her brother’s outstretched wing!

    LM6 fish walks the fish to the other side of the nest where X6 joins her asking to be fed. (KA9 looking on)

    KA9 initially opts out of the feed, pottering away in the background.

    After a wee while, KA9 moves forward to get fed and X6 retreats to the back of the nest whilst the fish is finished off.

  • 09.55 Fish #2. LM6’s attention is caught by something else as LJ2 arrives at the nest.

    She continues watching elsewhere for a few moments before taking the fish. The chicks are hot in the sun today, both with their beaks open. X6 to the left.

  • LJ2 looks splendid perched there whilst his family feeds. Slight smile

  • 10.37 and LJ2 didn’t wait long to go fishing again, soon returning with a fine headless specimen.

    KA9 spots him first and follows the landing.

    LM6 (left) now has the fish facing the chicks, X6 to the left.

    KA9 follows LM6 and starts feeding first. When X6 is ready, she joins the feed too until the fish is finished.

    LM6 feeding X6 behind and under, KA9 to the right.

  • 12.00 and LM6 manages to find a wee scrap of fish left over for a lunchtime snack.

  • Around 12.35, LJ2 brings a long straight stick to the nest.

  • Just before 17.00, LM6 has an intruder flying near the nest.From resting with her chicks, she immediately gets up chipping, mantling/flapping on high alert.

    The intruder flies near to the nest quite a few times and twice LM6 leaves to give chase but quickly returning each time.

    This lasts for 5-6 minutes.

    The intruder was never close enough to see if it had a ring on its leg.

    There was no sign of LJ2 who usually comes to defend the nest when there is an intruder about. LM6 must’ve had a soar throat after all that squawking!! 

  • 19.07 and LM6 has just delivered a headless fish to the nest!

    Immediately followed by LJ2

    She walks it round to the other side of the nest nearest the camera.

    The chicks follow her for a feed.

    I wonder if she’s taken it off nest from LJ2 or caught it herself?